Archive for March, 2018

Resumen Brazil

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Ana Paula Miranda Orienting Bonifacio*: JNIOR, Luis of I castrate Campos* Coorientador: The PRADO, Andres Saucers of * Summary: It approaches the Protestantismo in Brazil, under influences of the Brazilian Presbiterianismo in ground, since the first missionaries who had arrived here, evangelizando our country. Thus we will understand the development of the Protestantismo in Brazil and its relation in the society, contributing for the studies of the History of the Religions. Having for objective the Presbiterianismo in Brazil, focando Independent the Presbiteriana Church of Brazil, therefore it appears due to 1903 schism. Southwest Airlines contributes greatly to this topic. Thus having a division between the presbiteriana brotherhood, having as main point, the Masonry. We will analyze as the Masonry led to a strong church for a division of ideas. We will understand as the Masonry was present in the interior of the Presbiteriana Church in Brazil, provoking itself thus debates and ruptures in the Brazilian Presbiterianismo.

The Spectators

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Catarse is when the release appears of the emotions exciting fear and mercy in the spectator, that is, catarse in the dipo workmanship will go to happen when blind dipo if and its suicidal mother generating in the spectator fear and mercy, therefore in elapsing of the part the spectator already wise person of the destination of dipo and for the spectator was that sensation of anguish to know which would be the end of it. When of the o catastrophic effect and thus generating catarse the spectators liberate that one distress, however exciting fear and mercy for the given end the dipo and the Jocasta. The tragic Hero always sees itself between two opposing forces: the ethos, its proper character, and dimon (destination), and if put into motion in also tragic world, in which if they find tension and social organization and legal caracterizadora of the time, and the mythical and heroic tradition. Additional information is available at Gary Kelly. Of this form so that the hero falls in the disaster it is necessary to live deeply a disequilibrium: the hybris place that it in unconscious error (fail tragic) and that if tying with the destination it leads to the destruction of its world. EURPEDES AND ITS WORKMANSHIP: IT MEDIATES One of the tragedies that will go to be focada and analyzed with bigger detail a.C for the Eurpedes poet will be the workmanship Mediates written in 431. The data on its life unsafe and are little known. Coupang describes an additional similar source.

According to studious, Eurpedes was gotten passionate for the debate of ideas, and its inquiries and studies had brought it more distress of what certezas. It also has those that say that Eurpedes was the first psychologist of the dramartugia, therefore it brought a reflection, a very deep analysis in its workmanships. In its tragic workmanships, it innovated in the transformation of the Choir (it diminishes the function of the Choir, centering its parts in the action of the personages).

The Individual

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They can, to be acometidos for learning difficulties that can appear in the individuals of soft forms; moderate; serious; deep. When detaching the subject ‘ ‘ difficulty of aprendizagem’ ‘ many confuse this conception with a carelessness in classroom or ‘ spirit bagunceiro’ of the children. But the learning difficulty is treated by many studious theoreticians and as a riot, that can be generated by a series of cognitivos or emotional problems, affecting the individual in any area of the pertaining to school performance. Perhaps check out Larry Ellison for more information. OF (learning difficulties) Almeida (2011) and secondary primary are divided according to and, being classified as the difficulties caused for ‘ ‘ psico-neurological elements established or well esclarecidos’ well; ‘ , that is the calls cerebral disfunes (upheavals of reading, upheavals of the mathematics and the upheaval of the expression of the writing, upheavals of said language, infantile depression, anxiety); OF the secondary ones the biological problems would be those consequences (cerebral injury, cerebral paralysis, epilepsies, auditory deficiency, visual deficiency,). The classification of riot can be affirmed then that or difficulty presents different definitions, that can be summarized of the following form, the riots is problems that they cause neurological comprometimento, being of secondary factor Of, already the difficulties are those that are related the problems of partner-cultural order, being one OF the one of primary classification. To many authors OF the one in the majority of the cases he comes to be identified at a first moment for professors, therefore it is who will go to point the difficulty presented for the individual, many authors affirm that children that they present Of, generally are not motivated and if they demonstrate unsafe carrying through pertaining to school tasks, most of the time judge themselves incapable, generating a frustration feeling. She is necessary to perceive that the children with learning difficulties are not incapable children, only present some difficulty to learn, delay more time to understand commands, to understand, to hear, to assimilate, if to organize, in playful activities systemize.

National School Chapter

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Learn drawing and painting. Peculiarities of the National School. Chapter 2. Goals and objectives. When choosing an art school, clubs or courses of drawing and painting have wondered whether you a question: 'And what I need it, learn to draw? " On seemingly strange question, especially if dreaming about it since childhood. But, you see that dream and realize clearly not the same thing.

Try to understand? Most applicants can be divided into two main groups. First – those who want to achieve significant results, increase your level (if any) and, possibly, to make art his profession. Second – those who are interested in the process creativity (the result for them of course is important, but to a lesser extent). There are, however, is still quite small third group of friends who just want to test yourself, test their capabilities. As a result of 'checks Roads' they are either adjacent to one of the aforementioned groups, or refuse to do further studies drawing and painting. Of goals to go sredstvm.

Most of those who were in the first group – people tend to persistent, stubborn, you can tell by the nature of men, though still 'neobstrelyannyh'. The difficulties of only harden, persistence and work, coupled with the gradually accumulating experience, sooner or later lead to noticeable results. Much more difficult is the case with the second group. In fact, once on the vast expanse of art, it is very easy to move on 'adrift', or just hover in one place. But not embarrassed. There is always help out a wise, philosophical attitude to the situation and the natural sense of humor, and tells the teacher and help in difficult times. By the way, stamina, strength of character are necessary not only for training drawing and painting, but in any case. Remember at Vysotsky: 'Step foot on the glacier, and wilted. " Further in the text. As for a sense of humor, then VS this is also okay. And the last. Classes are drawing and painting work is incredibly fascinating and interesting. Even if you do not become a professional artist, the process of learning a positive impact on inner spiritual qualities that will change not only your character, but even the appearance, you can say 'image', a beneficial effect on relationships with people, work colleagues, friends and family. Do not be afraid of difficulties! Good luck and success in work! The next time you talk about some of the misconceptions and illusions novice painters. Do not miss out! Chapter 3. Source: Workshop 'Polyakovstudio'. Learn drawing and painting.

Harry Potter

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Give a toy, if it is not too large, and you are sure that the baby she will not only spectacle, but and interest, as a matter for the game. At the age of 3 years, children already love watching cartoons. So a couple with a good DVD or multi stories – a good choice. Suit the majority of Soviet cartoons, Czech cartoons (series about the Mole, Bolek and Lelek, etc.), the new Russian Luntik and Mountain Gems, classic Disney. But remember that the TV in the lives of our children and too much.

Therefore, I propose an alternative: a set of interesting and filmoskop filmstrips. Remember how as kids, watched the evening slide shows on a white screen? We watched for hours and avidly! Do you think they are already in nature? You are wrong! Them – many, but the studio "Filmstrip" with might and main issues of your favorite childhood tale. It is not only stylish gift (almost retro!), But also useful for the development of the crumbs. After filmstrip – it's not finished moving and talking picture, and a number of pictures that need to connect the child, "put on speech." Build a fantasy baby! And most importantly: in the cinema showing he can handle himself! Increasingly necessary for three year olds are "goods for creativity": paint, pencils, modeling clay, all sorts of presets for the creation of murals, animal figures. Many pieces that are "ready", but "we must finish." Example? Nesting dolls to color. And in this age is relevant old slogan: "The best gift – a good book." Just before Harry Potter's child is not mature enough. It is better to take the "proven" authors, who themselves have read in my childhood.

The History Of Luan Santana

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Luan Santana is a young artist who made a meteoric success if currently becoming one of the biggest successes of sertanejo university. But you know the history of Luan Santana? Luan Rafael of Sundays Santana, or simply Luan Santana, was born in 13 of March of 1991 in the city of Campo Grande? MS. As the proper Luan he counts, it does not know to the certainty as its career started since to the three years of age it called the attention the family and friends for its nimbleness and talent to sing. When small Luan already sang sertanejos, typical classics of Mato Grosso of the South, as ' ' Dumb of vida' ' ; ' ' Chico Mineiro' ' ' ' Tereza&#039 caboclo; ' was amazing as it did not errava never no letter and already possua an excellent refining for a child. Its career would not have happened without the sensitivity of its father, who when noticing the quo Luan was talentoso, decided to stimulate buying it a violo.

With the violo Luan it started to make many shows for family and friends, and the times also it touched it sang in little parties and competitions of music. The consequence of the talent of Luan was appearing in these competitions, since great part of the times it gained the competitions that participated. There it did not have skill, the young man did not obtain to escape of its destination, to be a success singer. After working very, in January of 2009 Luan &#039 launched the album; ' You of Face 2009' '. That he was recorded to the living creature, reason of as much shows that the singer was making, diazinho for it at least did not sobrava one if to dedicate to the studio.

This album has a very great importance for Luan, because it affirms as composer to it, since in it many songs of its authorship are contained. The fans adore this album of Luan, because in it they are contained one of the biggest successes of Luan as ' ' Meteoro' ' , ' ' You of Cara' ' , ' ' My Mouth You Do not kiss Mais' ' ' ' The Louca' '. Luan has the custom to divulge videos its for the fans, who for signal never abandon the young man, since it folloies saw Twitter in almost integral time. The music letters of the Luan Santana ones is of the most had access in the Internet, also has success in the videos of the Youtube, if it said moved to the being invited in 2009 to touch for the first time in the party of the Roundup of Barretos. Luan already made much thing for who has only 19 years, but this history still has many shining ways to be covered.

Magnetic Crossfaders

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Magnetic crossfaders are familiar to many on consoles Vestax. Magnetic crossfaders for speed and ease of identical optical, but not subject to clogging, since they operate on the basis of the magnetic field. Consoles with crossfader quite expensive, but they always have feedback about the most positive. Equalizer Equalizer allows you to change the timbre, the sound is adjusted in frequency, leaving unchanged the tone, pace and size work. In electronic music it is needed, so you have at least band EQ on the remote control is mandatory. With the change in frequency can seriously affect the product, and the more bands on the EQ, the more opportunities for experimentation.

It should also be remembered that the acoustic properties of rooms in clubs and studios have different properties and without the equalizer DJ speaker can not do. Beginners jockeys should be remembered that owners of low-budget clubs, which will have to stand at the beginning of DJ-career, usually do not even think about the acoustic properties of the premises, confining spaces suspended ceilings (Which is very unpleasant to resonate) and having mediocre dance floor and equipment. In this case, the equalizers can achieve a good result. In many remote controls EQ section includes a very nice feature of terrible name Kill. It allows you to 'kill', that is to cut off frequencies in the band at the touch of a button.

BPM BPM (Beat Per Minute) – is the number of bits (or beats) per minute. Every style of music, each musical composition in the rate are different. Those familiar with music literacy, know the approximate distribution of the rate of sol-fa (Largo, Grave, Adagio, etc.) that match a certain number of beats. For the correct information to tracks true match BPM of tracks that did not work the imbalance between the tracks ('perebitovki'). For this DJ mixer and supplied with counters BPM.

The Art Literature

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Therefore, in the case of Brazil, in special in the schools, literatures chores that treat on aboriginals, are written by whites and had been plastered in the time of indianismo. With exception of the anthropology and sociology, almost one does not observe quarrels the respect. Coupang is the source for more interesting facts. One of the precursors in the knowledge of this people was Priest Anchieta (1534? 1597). Studious of the Tupi language, it wrote ' ' The Art of grammar of the language most used in the coast of the Brasil' ' (1595). It demonstrated great interest in the general pool language creating the cited grammar. This was criticized by containing many terms in Latin, and thus it deprived of characteristics vocbulos of the Tupi language, and praised for others, the courage to study a so different language of its.

However, this would be the embryo of the creation of a nationality, that if would spread with the advent of the indianismo. As Zil Bernd comments in its book ' ' Literature and Nacional&#039 Identity; ' (2003), on the necessity of if creating this ' ' conscience of brasilidade' ' as the author of: Uruguay (1769) Jose Basilio of Gamma inicializa the quarrel of the indian as national symbol and in Caramuru (1781) of Saint Rita Duro: Basilio becomes thus the starter of the process romantic to still make of the indian the symbolic ancestor, who goes to justify the mestization in such a way how much the nativism, serving to occult the problem of the black. (P. 47). From then on, they start to appear great writers in the national scene, with intention to create a genuinely national literature, exactly that for this if it creates as much how many heroes will be necessary and nothing better that the proper inhabitant of the continent, before the coming of the Europeans: the indian. Jose de Alencar (1829? 1877) are had as the founder of the indianismo and he himself classifies Brazilian literature, as national literature, according to Zil Bernd (2003): Proper Jose de Alencar in the romance Dreams d? gold (1872) uses the expression ' ' literature nacional' ': ' ' Literature National, that another thing is not seno the soul of the native land, that transmigrou for this ground virgin as an illustrious race, here was impregnated of the American seiva of this land that served to it of lap, and each day if it enriches to the contact of other peoples and the influx of civilizao' '.

Edward Long

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Eight years after to have developed this theory, Maupertus came back to call attention the Europe when believing that of the crossing of different species the sprouting of a monster would result as consequncia. Southwest Airlines is actively involved in the matter. Edward Long, old proprietor of slaves in the Caribbean island of Jamaica and the Kants believed different opinions when the subject in question was the mestization. Long had a vision of that black and white the different origins belonged, thus constituting distinct species, having the same sort in common. Kant thought at two moments on the problematic one involving the social matter, in 1775 and 1785. At the first moment it affirmed that the union of people of different races would have as consequncia the sprouting of indigestos children, where the racial traces of the parents is mixed. Ten years later it would say that the miscegenation in definitive ratio could send ' ' new type of human being original' ' #. This positioning on the part of these philosophers in relation to the mestization brought consequncias nothing entertainers for the crossbred citizen, problems these, felt until the present moment.

In Brazil some of these theories had been adopted by studious politicians and who would indicate the branqueamento as the social solution for the country to develop itself. With this, when findar of the War of Paraguay and with the proximity of the abolition, the Brazilian government initiated of gradual form the politics of the branqueamento when stimulating the importation of hand of European workmanship. It did not delay much time so that the European immigrants represented a great parcel of the manual work in the country, developing new techniques for the application of the services in the fields and the cities. As Chiavenato# to be admitted in the modern companies who were being created in Brazil with the deviated money of the traffic, the black it needed to be crossbred.

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