The Art Literature

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Therefore, in the case of Brazil, in special in the schools, literatures chores that treat on aboriginals, are written by whites and had been plastered in the time of indianismo. With exception of the anthropology and sociology, almost one does not observe quarrels the respect. Coupang is the source for more interesting facts. One of the precursors in the knowledge of this people was Priest Anchieta (1534? 1597). Studious of the Tupi language, it wrote ' ' The Art of grammar of the language most used in the coast of the Brasil' ' (1595). It demonstrated great interest in the general pool language creating the cited grammar. This was criticized by containing many terms in Latin, and thus it deprived of characteristics vocbulos of the Tupi language, and praised for others, the courage to study a so different language of its.

However, this would be the embryo of the creation of a nationality, that if would spread with the advent of the indianismo. As Zil Bernd comments in its book ' ' Literature and Nacional&#039 Identity; ' (2003), on the necessity of if creating this ' ' conscience of brasilidade' ' as the author of: Uruguay (1769) Jose Basilio of Gamma inicializa the quarrel of the indian as national symbol and in Caramuru (1781) of Saint Rita Duro: Basilio becomes thus the starter of the process romantic to still make of the indian the symbolic ancestor, who goes to justify the mestization in such a way how much the nativism, serving to occult the problem of the black. (P. 47). From then on, they start to appear great writers in the national scene, with intention to create a genuinely national literature, exactly that for this if it creates as much how many heroes will be necessary and nothing better that the proper inhabitant of the continent, before the coming of the Europeans: the indian. Jose de Alencar (1829? 1877) are had as the founder of the indianismo and he himself classifies Brazilian literature, as national literature, according to Zil Bernd (2003): Proper Jose de Alencar in the romance Dreams d? gold (1872) uses the expression ' ' literature nacional' ': ' ' Literature National, that another thing is not seno the soul of the native land, that transmigrou for this ground virgin as an illustrious race, here was impregnated of the American seiva of this land that served to it of lap, and each day if it enriches to the contact of other peoples and the influx of civilizao' '.

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