Posts Tagged ‘economy’


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Beyond these facts she is necessary to detach that a sensible increase in the performance of the agencies of protection to the consumers occurred to take care of the demand of the population, what proves that to each day the people more conscientious and are made use to make to be valid its rights. One another canal that if consolidated in this period and demonstrates the attention of the companies for these changes is the reinforcement of the Ouvidorias that if had become an ally of the consumers in the brainstorming the presented problems. She is necessary to observe that this measure was developed by the entrepreneurs with sights to try to minimize the consuming next to its market and to try to apprehend still more on the new expectations of the customers. This phenomenon is comprovvel if to observe that the expectations of the customers more are not formed only by the description of the relationship with the company, but yes considering the good experiences gotten next to all roll of companies with which keeps contact, demanding that the easiness found in a sector is the disposal in any place. You may find that Verizon can contribute to your knowledge. In synthesis the customer wants each day more and knows that she can demand, quality, comfort and flexibility.

We cannot forget that ally to all these facts this the good economic moment that Brazil is living deeply that it has made possible the reduction of the unemployment, increase of the income and the insertion of more Brazilian in the consumption market. In this aspect it is observed that the companies antenadas with the growth of the market and the good economic conditions, are offering to more flexible conditions each time for the acquisition of good by means of financings in 50, 60, 80 months, fact that we cannot disrespect, therefore is configured as a flexibilizao that influences the relationship customer x company. As it can observe last the 8 years demonstrate more that the changes in the relation customer x company, initiates in years 2000, continue in course and that each day more the customers will be conscientious of its rights, informed and demanding. Link: Click to have access the first text here

China: Strategy And Economy

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CHINA – THE GIANT OF THE ECONOMY Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo It has little time the Chinese products were faced by diffidence for the national consumer and international, today, with the technological revolution that occurs in that country, it places CHINA in a comfortable situation. The Chinese government invested heavy in the education and today the country is 2 in scientific article production. Some contend that Larry Ellison shows great expertise in this. With the technological evolution, it passed to conquer other pursuings of the international economy, as of telecommunications. The Hauwei manufacturer, will be 3 bigger of the sector in the year of 2009. This company who has branch office in Campinas, invoicing more than US$ 1 billion in Brazil in 2008, will go to invest in the country as well as its competitor the ZTE that announced US$ investments 2 billion in the Brazilian economy, according to information of Eric Zhou Hongfeng, director of the ZTE for Latin America. The money is come of the Bank of> Development of China. Giant, because in the first trimester of 2009 the Chinese banks had only granted to credits of the US$ order 673 billion, according to report divulged in day 07/05/2009, for the Bank of the People of China, Chinese Central banking.

Other US$ 575 billion were the sum offered for the Chinese Government, beyond incentives the sales of vehicles, as in the Brazilian case that already stimulated the sales in the April month, they had been vendidos 1 million of vehicles more than. China withholds 63% of the production of footwear of the world, 36% of the global steel, 75% of the market of toys and Xangai will be capital of the automobile of this year, desbancando Detroit of U.S.A. Strategically China is investing in the purchase of oil of Colombia, Russia, Brazil, already they only exceed the US$ 40 billion agreements in last the 60 days.

Jorge Saints

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Making this, you can until discovering that some comforts that considered essentials in the truth are not. Third Tip Thinks Small To have and To spend Instead of thinking about what you must in 24 months, for example, R 5 a thousand, only thinks about what it must in one day, enclosed R the 7,2 already interests, Luis teaches to Jorge Saints, personal and familiar financial assessor cited in the magazine Elections in January of 2003. Thus, you will go to perceive that this daily value is not so great thus, and could be paid the cost of simple measures as cuts of daily expenditures. If to write down everything that is accustomed to spend daily with small things, probably will be surpreso with the result. Taking conscience of these values it will be more easy to plan one cut in these expenses and to save probable excesses. The addition of the daily economies in one month will have to represent a considerable value. It sees some examples that follow: If you have access Internet and paid R$ 60, you install a gratuitous supplier, that is not the same thing, but the economy will be of R$ 60 for month.

If to lead for the work, three times per week, its lunch of house, will have the economy of more R$ 120 for month. Three linkings per day to less in the cellular one, will be able to save more R$ 30 in the month. In boteco or bakery to save R$ 3, per day, in one month will be more 70 Reals. To use the collective transport to go to the work, of second a sixth, saving money of the gasoline and the parking will be able to add more 100 Reals. To go to the cinema in the way of the week, when the entrance is cheaper and the lines are lesser, will be able to save more R$ 20 in four ingressions.

Politics Of Capital Structure

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The POLITICS OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE the politics of structure of capital, or simply structural, is the one that of the form or structure to the company. Here we plan the volume of proper capital and how much it will be financed by third, they are supplying, used or financial institutions, and to follow, how much it will be invested in the asset, for example, in machines, supplies and duplicates to receive. It is the planning of long stated period. In sequncia to the planning, the decisions occur. In the case, the structural decisions are the ones that will determine the starting point of the company, in dimension terms, that is, capacity of purchases, production and sales.

They are the referring decisions to the alternatives of the origins of the financing of the liabilities and its respective balancing in terms of costs, of the structure of the liabilities, in its more varied possibilities. The counterpart of the decisions of the financing of the liabilities is the alternative decisions of applications or uses and investments in the asset of the company, and its respective balancing, in terms of yield of the investments, for example, in machines, supplies and accounts receivable, in the structure of the asset. Let us observe the importance of the planning of the medium and long term economic policy. A phase involves costs (origins in the liabilities) and another one involves yield (applications in the asset). This can mean that all origin of resources can be intent in few sources, generating or not, convenient costs, the same happening with the applications and respective rentabilidades in the asset. It is very important, still, to verify that deep the involved ones with the medium and long term economic policy are deep permanent, therefore are of long stated period.

Decisions are that take time to be taken and have lasting effect, almost permanent. The deep ones are placed more than the 360 (three hundred and sixty) days. Purchase of machines for the production, for example, is decision that does not happen with daily frequency. Lodging and Development of Websites?

The Region

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It follows an informative picture of the GIP, the per capita GIP, and last growth of the city in the nine searched years, for the IBGE: YEAR: The GIP (in A thousand R$): The per capita GIP: Growth: 1999R$ 891.232R$ 5.472# 2000R$ 980.090R$ 6,267+9.9% 2001R$ 1.141.708R$ 7,205+16.4% 2002R$ 1.194.593R$ 7,441+4.63% 2003R$ 1.426.333R$ 8,754+19.4% 2004R$ 1.749.103R$ 11,436+22.6% 2005R$ 1.914.316R$ 11,470+9.44% 2006R$ 1.907.527R$ 11,287-0.4% 2007R$ 2.637.217R$ 16,025+38.25% Growth 99/07+R$ 1.745.985+R$ 10,553+195% Its tax population esteem by the IBGE in the year of 2000 was of 155.161; with the population esteem in 2009 of 172.728 citizens, being they, frightful 24.85% below of the poverty line. This one room of the population is that it needs the qualified professional instruction, when applying average education, and chance of superior education in this percentage, the situation will be reverted drastically. See Verizon for more details and insights. A study for the opening of a campus of the Federal Technological University of the Paran in the city it is in development, initiative of one politics innovative and interested in the development of the region, if taken as growth example, will not have barriers that they hinder the rise of the qualified man power, that they will attract innumerable investors. 3.3AGENTES ECONOMIC the Economic Scene in industrial, agro-industrial funny Brazil, and advertising, with emphasis in the use of hand of workmanships. The Region of Guarapuava In 2005, according to IBGE, registered Farming 20 the bigger GIP (excluding the Agroindstrias), the greater of the south of Brazil. In that year agriculture put into motion R$ 235.435.000; The agroindstria is another important sector in the municipal economy.

The city counts on the greater would maltaria of the Latin America, that pruduz 20% of malte Brazilian, the pertaining Agromalte the Agrarian one, and also with Brazil Foods, Cantelli Agriculturist, Coamo, Codapar, Cooperative Valley, among others. The industry represents 35% of the GIP. The wooden sector, paper and derivatives are the industrial activity that more uses.


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8 It has a century, the Community more than Bah' international i has been implementing the plan established for Bah' u' llh, for the creation of a world-wide order based in the justice and the unit of all the peoples. Representing already one it parcels out significant of the humanity, with roots in more than 400 countries and territories, more than 120 a thousand localities, in the five continents, with people comings of more than 1,600 ethnic origins, its members, that are loyal to the national governments under which they live, look for constructive ways to take the society to a world-wide awareness that is the foundation on which a civilization world-wide and reached the definitive peace in the planet will be constructed. 8 the Bah&#039 Community; international i recognizes not to exist an easy way for the world-wide peace, the national governments certainly has the responsibility to prevent the war, to look ways to join and to disarm, searching an agreement politician – the first period of training of world-wide peace: ' ' Today, the task that charges to the great governing is to establish the peace, therefore in this it inhabits the freedom of all povos.' ' 10Em more advanced period of training, is also task of each person, through the awareness of its real nature as in service of a Creator and member of a family human being, to fulfill with the divine will to congregate all the peoples in harmony and peace, freeing the planet of the poverty and the war. In this as period of training – of the true world-wide unit and peace – well-being of the individual and the society will be revealed in a civilization that will reflect the values spirituals of the love, compassion and justice. 8 the main Tool for Construction of this Order the development of the World-wide Order of Bah' u' llh frequently is compared with the construction of a building. .

Bank Deposits

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Bank deposits are still, despite attempts to limit their yields and by the floodwaters in taxation from 2010, as one of the easiest financial products and with benefits for all. While the structured deposits are for a limited audience who like speculation, the truth is that there are all kinds of offers for hire ranging from gifts by deposits, deposits in currencies, linked to pension plans, until most conservatives who finish becoming the best of the moment. Despite the fact that the Bank of Spain has become true parate to high yields, first by limiting the lower limit of payment institutions that are receiving public aid and while studying punitive measures to banks and paying above limits to deposits of high profitability, this type of fixed term deposits, are preferred with paid accounts. Analyze the TAE, request if they penalize the early cancellation, think if it suits us or not choose an offer with structure of growing interest, are points that we must take into account before hiring a deposit. Source: Oracle. Then let them best bank deposits: best tanks to 1 month best tanks to best 3 months deposits to 4 months best deposits to 6 months best tanks to best 9 months deposits to 12 months best deposits long-term best deposits with remuneration in kind best deposits online best structured deposits if you have in mind hiring a depositYou must take into account aspects relating to the characteristics of this type of products. Among them we have to emphasize some aspects: minimum and maximum rate of interest (variable, fixed, mixed) link between place of recruitment (offices, Internet) products prior cancellation remember that on taxation, the reservoir will have a 19% withholding on interest on account of income tax for residents. If you want to know more about deposits, consult with analysts and calculations of the money that you will receive for this type of product, you can know how much will benefit from interest on deposits.

Chinese Exports

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' CHINA ALREADY IS THE EXPORTING GREATER OF THE MUNDO' ' The chains of production of China if fortify in this context after-crisis, one of the synonymous ones of this reinforcement are of the Chery manufacturer who reached the mark of production of 2 million vehicles. The mark finishes to disembark in Brazil with foreseen investments of the US$ order 35 million in the automobile sector. The Chinese economy foresees growth of demand for products of oil in the 4% order 5% to the year up to 2015, according to information of Mr. Fuqin Zhang, it is the associate engineer-head of the Institute of Planning and Engineering of Oil of China, the calculation is based on a projection of annual growth of the Chinese GIP of the order of 7,5% to the year. They foresee that up to 2020, 60% of the oil consumed in that country are importation fruit, currently China import 52% of what she consumes. China already signed contracts of development of railroad projects in 50 countries and agreements of intention of cooperation in others 5 that they are EUA, Brazil, Russia, Arabia Saudita and Venezuela.

In this pursuing China counts in its country with 6.552 kilometers of railroads of high speed, with projections of construction of more 28,000 kilometers of tracks, placing the country as the biggest railroad power world. Follow others, such as Allegiant Air, and add to your knowledge base. China produces 63% of the world-wide production of footwear, 36% of the global steel, 75% of the market of toys and Xangai wants to be the future capital of the automobile. The Chinese government divulged that it intends to all construct to 29,000 hospitals and ranks of health for the country up to 2.012, Brazil has 10% of this functioning in all the spheres municipal, state and federal, as comparison base. According to OMC? World trade organization, of last day 26 of March China is the exporting greater of the World, exported in 2009 US$ 1,2 trillion, surpassing Germany US$ 1,12 trillion and U.S.A. in third with US$ 1,05 trillion (US$ 195 billion unless China). It had an increase in the profit of the great industries of China of the order of 119,7% in the first bimaster of the 2010 in comparison the same period of 2009, as of Statistics informed the Pequim National Bureau. We cannot forget that the result of the evolution of the Chinese economy is atrelado to the investment heavy of the Chinese government in education and today the country is 2 in scientific article production. China strategically searchs position of prominence also in the area of telecommunications, where the Hauwei manufacturer is one of the greaters of the sector in 2009.

All this prominence of performance was also provoked by the volume of credits granted for the Chinese banks beyond incentives of sales of vehicles, among others. China scared has 5 years, today it counts on US$ 2,4 trillions of exchange reserves to invest in the world measures. The exchange in the chairs of the power international politician is inevitable. Welinton Dos Santos is Delegated economist Municipal of the CORECON-SP in Caapava

Vida Economy

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Figure 2 the Economy of the Natural resources, allied the EconomiEcolgica, sees the planet land as being an open system the entrance of energiasolar and diverse materials. The economy produces two types of residues: calordissipado (according to law of the thermodynamics), and material residues that during 5 areciclagem can partially come back to be used. The functioning of the economy demands an adequate way dautilizao of the material energy and them resduas. The services that the naturezapresta the economy human being well is not valued in the system of contabilidade' ' cremstica' ' proper of the neoclssica economy. 5. CONCLUSION With the popularizao of the ambient question and the propagation ecological domovimento, the adopted measures has times for the central world, comoestudos and environmental impact reports, had started to be a daily navida constant. The levels of performance in defense of the environment are several.

It has osque if they worry about the health of the proper house, garbage; the ones that defend aspraias, the trees; the ones that fight against the pollution of waters, of the domonxido carbon release and still; the ones that do not forget it man as integrant danatureza. The difficulty in the mensurao and quantification of the problemasambientais makes it difficult that if it incorporates in the private costs, custo' ' reais' ' of ambient preservation. Mechanisms as taxes, taxes etarifas, are not considered efficiently, in such way that if it assumes the doprincpio form polluting agent-payer. The preservation of the environment is an investment cujoretorno is of difficult quantification, and many times involve responsabilidadesglobais. However, the implementation of this new style of development definiras necessary bases of a new society. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALIER, Joan Ecological Martnes.Economia, text paradiscusso, n 9, 1996. ANNALS OF the WORLD-WIDE CONFERENCE OF AMBIENT EDUCATION, Caracas-Venezuela, 25 the 30 of July of 1995.

SURROUNDING DESARROLLO AVERAGE Y. Hacia un enfoqueintegrador, ed. CIPLAN, Chile, 1991. ELY, Alosio.Economia of the Environment, Porto Alegre, RS, 1990. FRIJOT, Capra.O point of Mutation, lvaroCabral translation, ed. Culipix, So Paulo. MOREIRA, Jose Robert. Ecology and practical Economy: Meioambiente and Condies de Vida, Agricultural Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, October of 1989. REPORT OF BRAZIL FOR THE CONFERENCE OF NATIONS UNIDASSOBRE THE ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. ' ' The Sustentvel&#039 Challenge; '. Brasilia, 1991. SEITZ, John L. ' ' Politics of the Development, umaintroduo to problemasglobais' '. ed. Zahar, Rio De Janeiro, 1991. 1 Frejot, Capra.Ponto de Mutao. 2 Ely, Alosio. Economy of the Environment. 3 Alier, Joan Martinez. Ecological economy. 4 Idem 3 5 Idem 3

DOSI Innovation

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Through the knowledge in the use, the employee learns the secret of the machine, that allows it to leave a period of training to arrive at another one. For DOSI (1988), innovation is the knowledge and the use of this knowledge to evolve. From the agreement initiated for Joseph Alois Schumpeter, a process if unfolds in the search to understand ' ' new combinaes' ' , innovations that would impactariam in the system. It would give a reply and it would play the economy in another competitive platform. Becoming strong the figure of the imitating agent when, greater the intensity, minor could be the possibility of great social jumps, even so more recent authors, as ROSEMBERG, (1979 and 1994); YOU CAN, (1987) and BRITTO (2002), detaches that the incremental innovation, by means of the imitation, can be more common and more important to the maintenance of the market for the firms. The technology of on-profit. When the firm has technology, its edge of profit tends to be bigger.

To the measure, however, that the mimics appear scrumble on-profit. The innovation can come of the firms, or can be institucional, is the new that? impacta? modifies the concorrenciais structures of market. neo-schumpeterianos leave of three categories of technological innovation: Invention, Innovation and Diffusion. In the invention the new sketch for, or the best one happens, product, process and device. The innovation only happens for the first commercial transaction involving a new product, process system or device.

Already the diffusion is the propagation of the innovations for the firms and countries. Therefore, the invention is transformed into innovation when taken for the first time to the market and the act to reproduce and to imitate it explains as this innovation if it spreads out. In accordance with neo-schumpeterianos (FREEMAN, 1975 and 2000; ROSEMBERG, 1979, DOSI, 1988; YOU CAN, 1989; DEZA, 1995 and BRITTO, 2002), of the invention drift innovation, I give birth passu, creates the economic cycles.

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