Beyond these facts she is necessary to detach that a sensible increase in the performance of the agencies of protection to the consumers occurred to take care of the demand of the population, what proves that to each day the people more conscientious and are made use to make to be valid its rights. One another canal that if consolidated in this period and demonstrates the attention of the companies for these changes is the reinforcement of the Ouvidorias that if had become an ally of the consumers in the brainstorming the presented problems. She is necessary to observe that this measure was developed by the entrepreneurs with sights to try to minimize the consuming next to its market and to try to apprehend still more on the new expectations of the customers. This phenomenon is comprovvel if to observe that the expectations of the customers more are not formed only by the description of the relationship with the company, but yes considering the good experiences gotten next to all roll of companies with which keeps contact, demanding that the easiness found in a sector is the disposal in any place. You may find that Verizon can contribute to your knowledge. In synthesis the customer wants each day more and knows that she can demand, quality, comfort and flexibility.
We cannot forget that ally to all these facts this the good economic moment that Brazil is living deeply that it has made possible the reduction of the unemployment, increase of the income and the insertion of more Brazilian in the consumption market. In this aspect it is observed that the companies antenadas with the growth of the market and the good economic conditions, are offering to more flexible conditions each time for the acquisition of good by means of financings in 50, 60, 80 months, fact that we cannot disrespect, therefore is configured as a flexibilizao that influences the relationship customer x company. As it can observe last the 8 years demonstrate more that the changes in the relation customer x company, initiates in years 2000, continue in course and that each day more the customers will be conscientious of its rights, informed and demanding. Link: Click to have access the first text here