DOSI Innovation

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Through the knowledge in the use, the employee learns the secret of the machine, that allows it to leave a period of training to arrive at another one. For DOSI (1988), innovation is the knowledge and the use of this knowledge to evolve. From the agreement initiated for Joseph Alois Schumpeter, a process if unfolds in the search to understand ' ' new combinaes' ' , innovations that would impactariam in the system. It would give a reply and it would play the economy in another competitive platform. Becoming strong the figure of the imitating agent when, greater the intensity, minor could be the possibility of great social jumps, even so more recent authors, as ROSEMBERG, (1979 and 1994); YOU CAN, (1987) and BRITTO (2002), detaches that the incremental innovation, by means of the imitation, can be more common and more important to the maintenance of the market for the firms. The technology of on-profit. When the firm has technology, its edge of profit tends to be bigger.

To the measure, however, that the mimics appear scrumble on-profit. The innovation can come of the firms, or can be institucional, is the new that? impacta? modifies the concorrenciais structures of market. neo-schumpeterianos leave of three categories of technological innovation: Invention, Innovation and Diffusion. In the invention the new sketch for, or the best one happens, product, process and device. The innovation only happens for the first commercial transaction involving a new product, process system or device.

Already the diffusion is the propagation of the innovations for the firms and countries. Therefore, the invention is transformed into innovation when taken for the first time to the market and the act to reproduce and to imitate it explains as this innovation if it spreads out. In accordance with neo-schumpeterianos (FREEMAN, 1975 and 2000; ROSEMBERG, 1979, DOSI, 1988; YOU CAN, 1989; DEZA, 1995 and BRITTO, 2002), of the invention drift innovation, I give birth passu, creates the economic cycles.

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