Posts Tagged ‘sports’

Public Viewing Of World Cup 2010

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Plan a theme special as an advisor for all broadcasters, the transfers to video walls and a programme of events public viewing with video wall at the World Cup 2010 devoted to stadium world public viewing. The stadium world theme special public viewing “appears in the spring of 2010 as PDF in the free download at offers assistance in all points important to the success of the public viewing. The World Cup 2006 is still present in Germany with their public-viewing parties, the plans for 2010. Filed under: Ripple. The video wall, the games of the World Cup you want to appear on the stands of course first of all in the Centre of interest. For organizers who rent a video wall, include high image quality even in sunshine and in some cases the installation on a difficult site. At what price a big screen of quality to get is what services and conditions offered by the lender, which plays an important role in the calculation. More info: Gary Kelly.

Definitely not, the organiser but must buy a video wall; the rent of the various rental models can economically be represented and refinance. Need around the video wall but many more points are taken into account, so the sound and electricity, pitches and connections for the catering trade, maybe a stage or also stands and tents, presentation areas for sponsors, barriers, and some other building blocks of large or small events. In addition, it always applies the regulations at a glance to have to neglect no time limits or other obligations of an operator. In the Appendix present the specials present the company with its references and contact information, which is available as a manufacturer, Distributor, service provider or consultant to help any organizer of a successful football festival with mood like in the stadium in South Africa.

Aikido As A Means Of Survival

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Why people do martial arts? A complex question. How many people have so many opinions. Someone wants to learn self-defense who is willing to support their physical state at high level. For someone – a vital religion. A man finds that he is closer and draws from martial arts to the extent their physical and mental capabilities. Aikido martial arts as a continuation of development in modern society, provides another unique opportunity – to survive.

Survive, not in the sense to learn to be cunning, destroying the enemy in its path. The history of mankind shows that aggression is always a sympathetic aggression. And it always leads to the destruction of the aggressor. But this world is built on interactions of opposing forces. Man in contemporary society is experiencing a huge amount of stress. All of them are caused by man-made civilization. In a person accumulates a lot of negative feelings about his life and the people who surround them (work, home, school, etc.).

As a result, our society is a society of people with neuroses, phobias, aggressive attitude towards each other. People stop to talk heart to heart. People fear seem "weak." Try to walk around our city and look just at people's eyes. You will see so many negative emotions of fear and hate. People began to live under the laws of the Wolf Pack open direct eye contact – challenge to which must be destroyed. Because people live in prison. And why do we live on the same laws? As said in private conversation one of my friends experienced in karate for 15 years – "Aikido is the highest level in martial arts." It is his words and I'm not trying to prove or dispute it. Aikido teaches first learn to feel your body and your spirit. If you can not regroup for tumbling, if you're afraid to fall, if you do not like what you grab the hand of strangers.

Ponemon Institute

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Portaltic / EP one of every five emails contain information that represents a risk legal, financial and compliance for the organization. However, the main cause of the leakage of data in companies is the loss or theft of equipment. A study says that you one of every five emails, 20 percent, leaving the network of enterprises, contain information that represents a risk legal, financial and compliance for the organization. The main cause of the leakage of data in companies is the loss or theft of equipment, followed by network attacks, threats on mobile devices, Web 2.0, shared applications, and sending e-mail messages to the recipient wrong by accident. The truth is that losses and theft of data that in recent times have lived in enterprises are constant.

An estimated 77% of organizations experienced some loss of data in the last year and e-mail is one of the main security holes, so it is necessary to exercise the safety precautions against malicious acts and possible mistakes of workers. It should take into account that more than 80% of these losses of information that occur are not intentional. In addition, approximately 49% of CIOs (information js) respondents believe that their employees have little or no knowledge about the data security, compliance and regulations. A staggering if we take into account that people are usually the first line of dnsa in organizations, according to CPS Technologies and the Ponemon Institute. Source of the news: 20% of emails from companies contain risk material

McFit Studios

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News from the fitness hotline GmbH just look good, the monthly fitness and lifestyle magazine by McFit, tested different protein shakes. The products, including best body nutrition Premium Pro, as well as five well-known brands, were evaluated according to ingredients, vitamins, taste and price. Best body nutrition Premium Pro emerged as the clear winner in the category of price – / performance ratio from the test. In addition to the good price especially the taste and the quality of the raw material scored positive. \”The test can in issue 04/09 by simply look\” (available free of charge in all McFit Studios) be found. We are very pleased in the judgment of McFit tester. It shows that high-quality dietary supplements for athletes must be not expensive\”so Andreas, CEO of the fitness hotline GmbH, which sells the best body nutrition products.

Best body nutrition Premium Pro is a 75% protein multi-component concentrate with the components of whey protein, milk protein and egg protein. In addition It contains important vitamins B6, B2, B1, B12, C and E, as well as calcium. The testers evaluated the addition of BCAAs (branched chain amino acids), so the branched-chain amino acids, which are recorded directly in the skeletal muscle and there energetically recycled as additional advantage. In addition is in the manufacture of aspartame, waived a synthetically manufactured sweetener, which is suspected to be harmful to health. The dietary supplement is offered in 14 different flavors, which was also positively evaluated.

When muscles built up or removed fat, there is an increased protein intake. Traditional foods that have a high protein content, such as cheese, red meat and nuts, are low in fat but rarely. In the production of a protein shakes, deprived of the natural foods, such as milk, whey and eggs, as only the protein and dried. Unwanted ingredients, such as lipids, cholesterine and purines, remain sidelined.

Christoph Oschmann Studio

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“Exclusive private Studio VIVO opened on Saturday, 14th may in Hamburg’s HafenCity Hamburg, May 20, 2011: since last Saturday, the city of Hamburg port to an attraction is richer: the private Studio of VIVO private fitness” opened its doors during an open day. As pure private Studio far away from ubiquitous gym chains pot (25) and Christoph Oschmann offer for personal training Patrick (27) very near the Elbe Philharmonic Hall an elegant sports and fitness OASIS. So visitors to the port city and media used on the 14 may, 2011 interested hamburger, the opportunity VIVO once without obligation and in a relaxed atmosphere to get to know it. In addition to General insights, there was also an exciting sweepstakes with prizes from the fitness sector and the opportunity for visitors to the opening to come enjoy a short dietary advice, a main focus of the two founders of the Studio. Everyone who over one day brought a flyer filled with food diary, has one of us Short dietary advice received and thus ever to get a first impression of our work “, so Patrick pot.” In addition the guests could examine of course our training equipment, and as expected, the power plate especially for women was an enormous attraction.” Also by the unusual architecture of the studios, which stands out clearly from classical fitness studios, visitors were more than impressed. We are pleased of course that can long and elaborate construction work will now bear fruit and we provide personal training in a special and our clients now”, explains Christoph Oschmann. On two levels the Studio offers many training equipment and methods according to latest health standards such as power plate and Kinesis, fit and lean in the summer to start.

The Special at VIVO: it is always under the guidance of personal maximum another guest in the Studio to train. The VIVO is found only 100 metres from the Elbe Philharmonic Hall at the following address: at the Kaiserkai 63,.

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