Ponemon Institute
Portaltic / EP one of every five emails contain information that represents a risk legal, financial and compliance for the organization. However, the main cause of the leakage of data in companies is the loss or theft of equipment. A study says that you one of every five emails, 20 percent, leaving the network of enterprises, contain information that represents a risk legal, financial and compliance for the organization. The main cause of the leakage of data in companies is the loss or theft of equipment, followed by network attacks, threats on mobile devices, Web 2.0, shared applications, and sending e-mail messages to the recipient wrong by accident. The truth is that losses and theft of data that in recent times have lived in enterprises are constant.
An estimated 77% of organizations experienced some loss of data in the last year and e-mail is one of the main security holes, so it is necessary to exercise the safety precautions against malicious acts and possible mistakes of workers. It should take into account that more than 80% of these losses of information that occur are not intentional. In addition, approximately 49% of CIOs (information js) respondents believe that their employees have little or no knowledge about the data security, compliance and regulations. A staggering if we take into account that people are usually the first line of dnsa in organizations, according to CPS Technologies and the Ponemon Institute. Source of the news: 20% of emails from companies contain risk material