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After the excuse in writing of yesterday on the part of the Catalan public radio transmitter, Catalonia Rdio, today has arrived the one from the informative presenter of the morning one, Manel journalist Sources, that a bitter conversation with the university professor of Economy maintained yesterday, Navarrese Vicen Escuchar audio, on the constitutional reform of the limit of the deficit. Sources, presenter stars of the public chain, has repeated in his the eight editorial of the seven and in the morning an excuse in which he recognizes: " I did not do well my yesterday trabajo" Audio Escuchar. Source: here. Sources are underlining that an interviewer must leave " that the interviewed person explique" and he did not do it. He has remembered that requested excuses in own antenna and to Navarrese " and we located ourselves to speak with calm in estudio". Source of the news: : Sources apologize by a quarrel in antenna
It wanted to reduce importance to the confusion with the national anthem. It will speak with his equipment to see if it attends the Tour of France. Sunday was proclaimed champion of Giro in east Milan. Pinto also it showed his support the cyclist after his triumph. The Spanish cyclist Alberto Accountant received east Monday the tribute of the Community of Madrid to have gained his second Turn of Italy and she occurred to a bath of multitudes before his fans when receiving from Hope Aguirre, regional president, a commemorative plaque for being ” mejor” sportsman. Unlike other occasions, Alberto Accountant did not leave to salute from the balcony of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, and the tribute act was developed completely within soothes governmental. Hope Aguirre, president of the Community of Madrid, received the cyclist in soothes of the regional government and it gave a commemorative plaque to him by his victory in Giro.
Accountant, in return, gave maillot to him pink that the president I do not doubt in to try on. The cyclist of Pinto described as ” incredible and very special this victory in Giro, since ” he has been very trabajada”. ” I began to prepare it from December. Being celebrating this victory is something dreamed, something reason why I have fought mucho”. ” Now first that I must do is to reclaim me of the realised effort, because I need a minimum two weeks to listen the body and to think if I can to confront the Tour de Francia” , it indicated Accountant. The Madrilenian sportsman also was useful for ” to be thankful for the samples of cario” that other sportsmen as Eddy Mercx has had with him after gaining this Giro, but assured that it is not necessary to give importance them since ” this is a wheel and the unique thing that there is to do is to follow trabajando”.
It affirms that if the measurement is not taken with urgency ” could; to lose his eficacia”. It thinks that the citizens ” juzgarn” the action of the Government. Larry Ellison will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The minister of Promotion and spokesman of the Government, White Jose, has declared who had wished ” to share with ciudadanos” the decision of the constitutional modification agreed by PP and PSOE but that ” we are in a serious situation that needs answers rpidas” , reason why it was not decided on the popular consultation, according to has expressed in an interview in the Chain to be. ” This measurement, if it is not taken quickly, loses its value and its effectiveness ” the minister explained talking about to the fears to a new recession of the economy: ” two months ago we were thinking about the recovery and now about the recession.
We are in a context with great volatilidad”. Target has indicated that the urgency prevents to transfer the responsibility to the citizens, reason why the Government will assume the decision and will be they who they will judge. Critics to the PP White Jose understand this necessary reform like because ” the excessive debt is a ballast for pas”. Although it has rejected other possible proposals for the control of the public coffers like ” the deficit zero ” that the coordinator of economy of the PP proposed, Critbal Montoro, and that according to the minister ” presupuestaria” is not the stability; . It has criticized in addition to the president to the Community of Madrid, Hope Aguirre, by ” to take advantage of the indebtedness to begin to trim in education, that is sagrado” more; , which contrasts and so the Government has done, who is to increase the number of scholarships. A Social-Democratic reform Forestalling critic that has received the Government, to limit the deficit in the Constitution, Target is dndido that ” the principle of budgetary stability is a Social-Democratic principle ” and ” flexible”. Target has affirmed that it does not think that the constitutional reform has a political cost and it has been convinced that will not have a social cost, but to reverse because ” a guarantee of good government is a guarantee of the State of bienestar” . The tax of rich In response to if the Government it raises the taxes the highest rents, since already it has done this Portugal Thursday, minister of Promotion has assured that ” there is no tiempo” in order to create or to increase a tax that burdens to richest, but than it will be including in the electoral program of the PSOE for the next elections. With respect to a possible modification of the tax on the patrimony, White Jose has been doubtful and has left abierta the possibility of carrying out a change in this tribute. Source of the news: Target, on a rrndum for the reform: ” We would have liked but there is no tiempo”.
RAFA VIDIELLA the actor rolls in Madrid the film ' Flight of brains 2'. It affirms that never it stops learning in the world of the spectacle. It glides to return to the television with a series on detectives. A legend, although something wrinkled, walks these days by Madrid: David Hasselhof, the Michael Knight of the fantastic car or the Mitch Buchanan of the watchmen of the beach is in the Spanish capital to roll Flight of brains 2, youthful comedy where it incarnates to the father of an American football player. " The first part I liked mucho" , it explains the actor, " but it showed the shock between the Spanish and British culture. This second concentrates in the encounter between Spaniards and Americans, and for that reason they chose to me: the being very well-known, could represent the culture of my country ". Turned the 59 years, Hasselhof conserves the figure and the hair, but the passage of time has also made its damage.
Maquilladsimo and with a speech, sometimes, something unconnected, the actor takes the smaller opportunity to speak, like any proud father, of its two daughters. " First she sings tecno-MGP, like Lady Gaga" , she assures, " and she has already sung before thousands of people. I am happy for being its father and manager" , she affirms the actor, that also he lived days of glory, mainly in Germany, like singer. What advice can give to his daughters this great star of the spectacle that, like so many others, lived difficult days due to its addiction to the alcohol? " Primero" , he affirms, " that they do not enter this business if they are scared to be rejected. He demands much work and an incredible sacrifice: I have already said them that I cannot buy them a race, although yes can take them until the door.
/The exvicepresidente Victor Fields and exj of cabinet of the Conselleria of Tourism, Rafael Betoret, admit to have committed improper passive bribe. Francisco Camps has announced his resignation like president of the Catalan Autonomous Government. Accepting the accusation, the processings will avoid an open judgment paying the fine; the fixation of the pain will correspond to the president of the court. ' Grtel' operation;: chronology of the investigation by presumed corruption. Two of the four processings in the call cause of the suits of the Grtel plot have declared guilty east Wednesday of a crime of improper passive bribe being satisfied to the highest pain to avoid an open judgment. They are the exvicepresidente of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government, Victor Fields, and exj of cabinet of the Conselleria of Tourism, Rafael Betoret. The Court Superior of Justice of the Valencian Comunitat has confirmed that the fixation of the pain for both will correspond to the president of the court of the jury, Juan Climent, who will dictate a sentence in the next days.
Another one of the accused, Francisco Camps, have not appeared the court. Nevertheless, in the evening, he has announced his resignation like president of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government. The suspension of the judgment will only take place if all the processings give their conformity with the writing of the accusation. Without declarations Fields h accompanied by the lawyer arrived at soothes of the 08,25 TSJCV to Javier Boix; on the other hand, Betoret, present j of protocol of the Delegation of Valencia, arrived on foot at the Palace of Justice on 10:30 h and next to its lawyer, and rejected to make declarations to the numerous mass media that are crowded to the doors of soothes judicial. The act of this Wednesday supposes the conformation of Fields and Betoret with writings of the accusation and the acceptance of the most serious pain by the crime of improper passive bribe, related to the acceptance of gifts on the part of the ringleaders of the Grtel plot. According to diverse sources of the PP, until now most obstinate to happen through this proceeding it would be Ricardo Coast, that has left on the 11,30 h the autonomic camera – where it has attended a total one on the Mediterranean Runner without making declarations to means. " I do not have anything to say and when it has something to say dir" , it has been limited to declare. Support of the Consell On the other hand, the vice-president of the Valencian Government, Paula Sanchez of Leon, has offered " support inquebrantable" of the autonomic Executive to his president, independent of the decision that it makes related to his processing in the call " cause of trajes". Sanchez of Leon has made these declarations to the journalists in the corridors of Them Corts Valencianes. The vice-president of the Consell and consellera of Presidency has assured that it will be Camps that decides what must do: " When the president has something to say, when there is some news that to give, do not have the smaller doubt of than he will occur and saber" will become; , he has affirmed. Source of the news: Two ex- stops positions of the Catalan Autonomous Government declare guilty in ' cause of trajes'