Alberto Accountant

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It wanted to reduce importance to the confusion with the national anthem. It will speak with his equipment to see if it attends the Tour of France. Sunday was proclaimed champion of Giro in east Milan. Pinto also it showed his support the cyclist after his triumph. The Spanish cyclist Alberto Accountant received east Monday the tribute of the Community of Madrid to have gained his second Turn of Italy and she occurred to a bath of multitudes before his fans when receiving from Hope Aguirre, regional president, a commemorative plaque for being ” mejor” sportsman. Unlike other occasions, Alberto Accountant did not leave to salute from the balcony of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, and the tribute act was developed completely within soothes governmental. Hope Aguirre, president of the Community of Madrid, received the cyclist in soothes of the regional government and it gave a commemorative plaque to him by his victory in Giro.

Accountant, in return, gave maillot to him pink that the president I do not doubt in to try on. The cyclist of Pinto described as ” incredible and very special this victory in Giro, since ” he has been very trabajada”. ” I began to prepare it from December. Being celebrating this victory is something dreamed, something reason why I have fought mucho”. ” Now first that I must do is to reclaim me of the realised effort, because I need a minimum two weeks to listen the body and to think if I can to confront the Tour de Francia” , it indicated Accountant. The Madrilenian sportsman also was useful for ” to be thankful for the samples of cario” that other sportsmen as Eddy Mercx has had with him after gaining this Giro, but assured that it is not necessary to give importance them since ” this is a wheel and the unique thing that there is to do is to follow trabajando”.

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