David Hasselhof
RAFA VIDIELLA the actor rolls in Madrid the film ' Flight of brains 2'. It affirms that never it stops learning in the world of the spectacle. It glides to return to the television with a series on detectives. A legend, although something wrinkled, walks these days by Madrid: David Hasselhof, the Michael Knight of the fantastic car or the Mitch Buchanan of the watchmen of the beach is in the Spanish capital to roll Flight of brains 2, youthful comedy where it incarnates to the father of an American football player. " The first part I liked mucho" , it explains the actor, " but it showed the shock between the Spanish and British culture. This second concentrates in the encounter between Spaniards and Americans, and for that reason they chose to me: the being very well-known, could represent the culture of my country ". Turned the 59 years, Hasselhof conserves the figure and the hair, but the passage of time has also made its damage.
Maquilladsimo and with a speech, sometimes, something unconnected, the actor takes the smaller opportunity to speak, like any proud father, of its two daughters. " First she sings tecno-MGP, like Lady Gaga" , she assures, " and she has already sung before thousands of people. I am happy for being its father and manager" , she affirms the actor, that also he lived days of glory, mainly in Germany, like singer. What advice can give to his daughters this great star of the spectacle that, like so many others, lived difficult days due to its addiction to the alcohol? " Primero" , he affirms, " that they do not enter this business if they are scared to be rejected. He demands much work and an incredible sacrifice: I have already said them that I cannot buy them a race, although yes can take them until the door.