Archive for July, 2014

Fitness Studio

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There must be nothing big, strenuous or time-consuming. Start immediately! But it is very important that you take the first step to the target at this moment. If you want to come in the next 6 months to a body weight of 60 kg, which means that you need to lose weight 20 kg, and you want to achieve it by jogging, you act immediately. You need to buy not only new running shoes and enroll in a Fitness Studio. You need no motivating video from the Internet, no MP3 – player and a running partner.

Everything you need, do already own. Now write nothing on your to-do list, because this is just a form of sliding on. The longer you wait from the time of the creation of the plan up to the time of your first action, the probability that you ever do something is smaller. Perhaps, you will notice that this approach is not very accurate, the plan is not enough, and your knowledge is not sufficient. But it can and will you take care of later. You are dealing with running and reading books, you’ll be buying new shoes, you will find a running partner, etc. But, it doesn’t matter at this time.

At this moment only matters that you stand up while you’re still motivated and get to work immediately. Start your goal to get closer and trade. And immediately I mean immediately. You should not do it after you have looked at your favorite series on TV or have something to eat. Immediately means immediately. It also doesn’t matter how big is the plot. If you want to remove. must not immediately work out 30 or 60 minutes. Start with a 10-minute walk or stretch your muscles for only 5 minutes. What matters is that you do something, and not postpone it. Are not passive, but you do anything, because if you are not moving, nothing moves. I can write here all day, but that not to take your goal. Only you can that do it. Haris Hadi


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In such a way, by means of the emission of pollutants, industrial activities, deforestation and other antropognicas activities, processode urbanization provokes alterations in the urban atmosphere, generating ‘ ‘ islands of calor’ ‘ ‘ ‘ islands of frescor’ ‘ , as the configuration of the dynamics of the use of the space and resultandona differentiation of urban microclimates. The microclimates, frequently, leave of being consideradosno planning of the cities, neither have been given to the had importance to the climatic conditions urban resultants of the interaction danatureza and the society (morphology of the relief, masses of vegetation, air estruturaurbana and circulation, among others). The knowledge of the condiesclimticas in localities differentiated in city can contribute for amelhoria of the conditions of human comfort inside and outside of the constructions, bemcomo for the rational use of the energy and, therefore, collaborate with lasting human odesenvolvimento. Some works on the urban climatologia have sidorealizados in some cities of Brazil, in diverse climatic conditions, entreos which we detach of Danni (1987), Lombardo (1985), Mendona (1995), Brando (1996) and Assis (2000). Respecting the principles of the ambient comfort, oplanejamento and the control of the use and occupation of the ground the social levels can benefit milhesde people of all. A configuration of cidadeambientalmente adjusted must minimize the impacts of the urban growth sobrea nature, to reduce the pollution of the ground, the decurrent water and air dasatividades human beings, to improve the conditions of dosambientes insolation and ventilation, to search a good distribution and adequate indices of areas permeveise of vegetated areas, and to extend the rational use of the resources natural naconstruo. It must, at last, promote the preservation of the quality of the half ambienteurbano and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

Marx Capitalist

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Wealth can be increased to discover new uses for things that previously were not considered useful. Karl Marx, an economist bright, interested in the social problems of the time as a result of the great crisis generated by the capitalist model, which resulted in the class struggle, between capitalist and worker. These classes have a degree of dependence among themselves which translates in the relationship of the worker with the objects of his production, but these objects of his production are conceived as the things of nature incorporated and transformed by the subjects. The capitalist system is one where private individuals and business enterprises carry out the production and exchange of goods and services through complex transactions involving prices and markets. (Capitalism. Microsoft Encarta 2009). Accordingly, the conforming of intelligence and physical strength man, needs generated from the means to subsist. This appropriation of nature to transform it for their own benefit is the which produces the struggle for control of the land.

Material wealth can represent for people synonymous with happiness, although this concept is fairly broad and each person interprets it according to the vivid situation. Some people associate happiness with material wealth, because according to them provides them with everything they need. The vision that has emerged in the contemporary world is associating happiness with money, which creates the subject a level or degree of dependency, therefore in societies the phenomena of production (those where the worker transforms the raw in a given product which aims to meet needs), have cemented a great influence on the mentality of citizens: the emergence of the consumer society, understood as non-productive consumption which is the result of the decision of an individual or a family from purchasing certain goods and services, usually for their support and maintenance. Similarly, can result from the decision of a public administration, whose aims are similar: the maintenance of activity and the provision of services to citizens.