Andrew Kirgizov Website
But not terrible, it's like a Russian fairy tales, dead water at first, to gain the flesh, then living, and the world continues in all its diversity. Now, there is a finding of spiritual flesh for creativity and new incarnations. Bernard Golden has many thoughts on the issue. Story truly becomes a true story! And this is the work of artists! But what do the artist, if he has passed this way, and it is open to living the life he sees and expresses it through his art, and around the "zombie" not understanding. For more information see this site: Gary Kelly. Here's a boys his cross! So what if they do not understand, it is better to keep quiet, come, and you will find time from his labors. Today, many paintings are like a well-cleaned, decorated and painted body, ready for burial.
Everything is done to last act, everything is predictable. In a live picture of the same can not be predictable, because in life you do not know what will happen in an instant. So in the true art can not speak about the finished and accomplished, but may feel the flight of the creative genius of the author making the work available is not the time! And it is at all times! Life is always individual, the death of the same faceless, but ambitious. It is on the scale of death is based the current mass "Culture" and other similar ones leapfrog. You have to understand that life in the picture, is not life all around us, but life is better on the individual opinion of the author. Believe it or not. I want to say here is about.
The ancient Greeks said, "When we were poorer than the paint, we were richer than art." In my opinion, and this is at all times! Now, when the "superstructure" in the form of countless artistic materials, displays, flickering in every way, movies and photos, promising easy consumption seems to be buried under a recent shoots of human individualism, as opposed to an artist just need to limit yourself in everything but art. This is the only way to perfection, to preserve their own unique personality. His word can tell, working for an ideal, almost without noticing it himself, mixing the paints on the palette is not, and the very nature of things and events, creating his own unique world, becoming associate God! They say he needed only one material for the creation of the world! The current time display, the glamorous "academies" only ties the legs of the artist, if he notices this. And, the last to the audience. All strongly I recommend going to the museums and exhibitions, as well as artists' studios, where personally created new worlds full of life and hope, which is not a sin, and take a look. Artist Andrew Kirgizov Website: / /