The liver is occupied by not only destroy the harmful, but also the production efficiency. This is a real complex biochemical synthesis, and in combination – the repository of the necessary reagents. The liver produces cholesterol, phospholipids, and lipids, bile acid (the main component of bile), hormones and enzymes for the process of fat digestion in the intestine, plasma proteins, glucose (from other organic substances); stores supplies of vitamins, minerals and glycogen – quick source of glucose for its lack. And of course, is much shorter list. The liver can make even the loss of blood, "squeezing" the surplus of their vessels. And while the liver never complains.
It virtually no nerve endings, so it simply can not afford to be ill. More info: Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . When workers die of poisoned cells (hepatocytes), when in their place comes useless connectors or fat – it is silent. The first signals only come in the form of gravity in the right side – the reaction of surrounding tissue to a significant increase in the size of the organ, which may be easily determined at the initial examination. Or is the problem starts with the whole dependent liver neighbor – the gall bladder (cholecystitis). When the liver is not coping, there is a discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera eye (jaundice), can become discolored feces, and urine becomes dark. Add to this the itchy skin, the appearance of vascular "stars" on the upper chest, neck and face, chronic fatigue, irritability, reduced intellectual capacity (because of constant intoxication). In Anyway, at the first sign that something is wrong, you want a qualified doctor. Read more from David Rogier to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It is clear that to find such in our open spaces is not easy, but worth it. Self and blind faith can be the first that fell Aesculapius result in equally deplorable. There are a group of drugs that are always assigned no matter what the cause of liver disease (as well as antiviral, choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, vitamins).
Selegiline – a nootropic drugs for elderly people. It was invented and began to used to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. When receiving selegiline intensified activity of the brain and memory, including short-term, overall health, vitality and mood. At experiments on rats proved that selegiline increased the life span of rodents by 30%. Philip Vasan usually is spot on. According to scientists, taking 5 mg a day by people over age 40 can increase the life of 15 years.
Side effects are quite varied, but Practical experience has shown that the use of a preventive measure they are not. These are listed as examples demonstrate the potential of drugs and the possibility of nootropics, a list which is incomparably greater. All the above drugs and the like refer to drugs and prescribed by the doctor. In natural nootropic drugs for a therapeutic effect more likely to use natural substances with nootropicheskimi properties. Amino acids. Many amino acids are neurotransmitters that is directly involved in the process of transmission of electronic impulses between nerve cells and are actively involved in the process excitation and inhibition.
And amino acids are actively involved in the metabolism of the brain – at their lack of disrupted supply of brain cells by glucose, violated the oxidative processes, increased toxicity nerve cell damage. Described above and piracetam atsefen are modifications of amino acids. Once inside the body, these substances or go into amino acids, or participate in the synthesis. The most important amino acids, provide stimulation and inhibition of nevrnoy – gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid, glycine, taurine, proline. Plant compounds that improve blood circulation and microcirculation of the brain (Ginkgo Biloba). The active ingredients that improve blood flow to the brain, often referred to as drugs with properties nootropicheskimi. One of the most recognized herbal nootropics is an extract from the leaves Ginkgo biloba. Active substances (flavonoid glycosides and terpene lactones) reduce the permeability of blood vessels supplying the brain and improves glucose and oxygen. Preparations from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba extract is widely used in Europe for the treatment of geriatric disorders of the brain. By herbal nootropics sometimes also include echinacea and ginseng. Despite the fact that nootropics are widely used to improve cognitive functions, it is necessary to note that uncontrolled reception could destabilize the neurochemical balance and lead to mental illness. So welcome to conduct synthetic nootropics only under medical supervision.
During the week of the experiment, 2 times per day was administered intramuscularly at a dose of klaforan 2.0 g. All animals were divided into 2 groups: control, which carried out the above treatment, and trial, where it is complemented by 2-fold, with an interval of one day, session hemosorption (HS) on 'Ovosorbe' (arterio-venous loop, duration 1.5 hours, perfusion rate of 15-20 ml / min, 1.0 volume perfusion -1.2 BCC). In the experiment used mass-transfer device consisting of a glass bottle with capacity 100.0 ml, which was placed hemosorbent 'Ovosorb' (60 ml). To conduct applied hemoperfusion crevice nozzle of the original perfusion design. Along with the general clinical parameters studied trypsin activity (TPA) of blood plasma levels of cathepsin D, antiproteinazny potential of blood plasma by alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) and alpha-2 macroglobulin (alpha 2-MG)), soluble complexes fibrinmonomernye and early fibrin degradation products (FDP). Development of the phenomena of RSE in animals led to the emergence of serious disorders in the proteinase-inhibitory balance sheet as a control and experimental groups. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Adam Portnoy has to say. Already in the first days after the start of the experiment was a sharp increase TPA plasma with simultaneous significant decrease antiproteoliticheskogo building. The nature of these changes in both groups was quite the same type.
TPA plasma in control and experimental groups to the top 2 days higher than the original data, respectively, 3.2 and 3.6 times, while the level of alpha 1-PI decreased respectively by 1.6 and 1.3. Significant proteinase inhibitor-infringement of balance led to gross violations of basic indicators of protein metabolism, which was manifested primarily by a sharp decline in total protein and albumin levels. The blood plasma accumulated excessive amounts of final and intermediate products of protein metabolism of urea level in blood plasma increased 2.6 times in control and 1.9-fold in the experimental group and the level of the SM – a factor of 2.1 in both groups.