Ginkgo Biloba Drugs
Selegiline – a nootropic drugs for elderly people. It was invented and began to used to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. When receiving selegiline intensified activity of the brain and memory, including short-term, overall health, vitality and mood. At experiments on rats proved that selegiline increased the life span of rodents by 30%. Philip Vasan usually is spot on. According to scientists, taking 5 mg a day by people over age 40 can increase the life of 15 years.
Side effects are quite varied, but Practical experience has shown that the use of a preventive measure they are not. These are listed as examples demonstrate the potential of drugs and the possibility of nootropics, a list which is incomparably greater. All the above drugs and the like refer to drugs and prescribed by the doctor. In natural nootropic drugs for a therapeutic effect more likely to use natural substances with nootropicheskimi properties. Amino acids. Many amino acids are neurotransmitters that is directly involved in the process of transmission of electronic impulses between nerve cells and are actively involved in the process excitation and inhibition.
And amino acids are actively involved in the metabolism of the brain – at their lack of disrupted supply of brain cells by glucose, violated the oxidative processes, increased toxicity nerve cell damage. Described above and piracetam atsefen are modifications of amino acids. Once inside the body, these substances or go into amino acids, or participate in the synthesis. The most important amino acids, provide stimulation and inhibition of nevrnoy – gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid, glycine, taurine, proline. Plant compounds that improve blood circulation and microcirculation of the brain (Ginkgo Biloba). The active ingredients that improve blood flow to the brain, often referred to as drugs with properties nootropicheskimi. One of the most recognized herbal nootropics is an extract from the leaves Ginkgo biloba. Active substances (flavonoid glycosides and terpene lactones) reduce the permeability of blood vessels supplying the brain and improves glucose and oxygen. Preparations from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba extract is widely used in Europe for the treatment of geriatric disorders of the brain. By herbal nootropics sometimes also include echinacea and ginseng. Despite the fact that nootropics are widely used to improve cognitive functions, it is necessary to note that uncontrolled reception could destabilize the neurochemical balance and lead to mental illness. So welcome to conduct synthetic nootropics only under medical supervision.