Posts Tagged ‘beauty’

Essential Oils

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doTERRAs aroma touch technology combines the advantages of its essential oils with a special massage technique. doTERRA technology with essential oils will present its aroma touch the use of essential oils has increased in popularity and is also in the local health care increasingly involved. doTERRA’s aroma touch technology offers an effective approach for the application of essential oils to improve well-being. doTERRA is worldwide the most important provider of essential oils (certified pure therapeutic grade). Scott Kahan is a great source of information. Developed by doTERRA’s Chief Medical Officer Dr.

David Hill masseurs, physiotherapists and specialist staff for aromatherapy offers an effective way to improve their offerings. doTERRA’s aroma touch technology combines the advantages of eight essential oils (CPTG) with a massage technique. The aroma touch technology Kit, includes a training brochure and doTERRA’s essential oils and blends of lavender, Melaleuca, on guard, AromTouch, balance, deep blue, Wild Orange and peppermint. Marc Lasry is the source for more interesting facts. Essential oils provide a natural, safe, inexpensive and effective way to improve mood, reduce stress and improve the immunity. Through the aroma touch technique and the use of essential oils benefits the whole body. doTERRA’s aroma touch technology caters to all who are looking for a holistic, natural approach to experience a fantastic way to relaxation and well-being. Since October oil blends and wellness products in Europe offers doTERRA its essential oils, to an Office and warehouse in England was set up specifically..

German Obesity Society

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Healthy lose weight and frustration-free slimming with an individual nutrition plan and simple fitness exercises from recognized experts slimming with the virtual food and exercise program SlimCoach under does no Yo-Yo effect on healthy and sustainable manner. In addition to personal nutrition and training plans on the portal and email nutritional expert and success author Sven-David Muller are tips and info in the coaching videos. Online weight loss program can be tested 5 days free and then automatically terminate, termination is not required. Actually, it’s now anyone who wants to lose weight, completely clear: only the right combination of exercise and diet leads to a permanent reduction in weight in the long term and in a healthy way. But how to begin? How to find your way is in the jungle of Advisor and diets? SlimCoach is a slimming concept recognized by renowned experts and institutions. The concept is based on specifications of the DGE, the German Obesity Society and the German Competence center for health promotion and dietetics.

Under you can register, first free for 5 days for the online weight-loss program. Previously, you should determine its body size, body weight, as well as hip and waist circumference. Based on this data, the program calculates a diet with recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks. In addition, there are fitness exercises and training tips in the form of pictures and videos. They are easy to make and it was ensured that they can be performed at home by people of all ages and performance levels. After signing up to get his access data and can benefit directly from the many details in the log-in area. Here you will find not only the recipes and training plans. Also an extensive food dictionary, as well as numerous videos help with the implementation of the programme.

The regular coaching letter comes by E-mail and contains more tips and motivation to lose weight. They have it at SlimCoach to do not only with a sophisticated software system, but is maintained via mail and telephone. The SlimCoach team provides assistance and answer questions in the Forum or by E-mail. From Monday until Friday you can food and movement experts between 14 and 17: 00 telephone reach. Unrealistic promises are not made. One pound per week apply as default, but it’s of course always the situation. With SlimCoach, the user should learn to lead a healthier, happier life through more activity and the changes in his diet. Nonsensical prohibitions are not serve this purpose, the recipes include all tastes. Should exist a reluctance or even intolerance to an ingredient, there is the possibility to access other recipes from the weightloss Cookbook by Sven-David Muller. The whole program less than 30 euros and a total of 13 weeks. Registration entails no risks, because access is disabled, if the fee is not paid. The So, the user does not fall in the case of a subscription. About SlimCoach SlimCoach’s 13-week online weight-loss program was developed by nutritionists and Ernarhungsmedizinern on a scientific basis. If you would like to know more about “Bernard Golden, then click here. About two-thirds of Germans are overweight, making obesity of one of the most common health problems. More diseases and a reduced quality of life are the result. The SlimCoach gives a slow and long-lasting weight reduction. The concept is based on the guidelines of recognized institutions and aims to a nutrition, movement, and behavior change.

Glucosamine And Chondroitin For Firmer Skin

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The new Beautifier – innovative beauty methods for self-treatment products with active ingredients, Glucosamine and Chondroitin are normally as a food supplement in tablet form for the treatment of joint pain offered. Glucosamine is a highly concentrated amino sugars, which serves as a basic building material of the joints. Amino sugars can bind large amounts of moisture, which has a positive influence on the synovial fluid. Synovial fluid has a shock absorbing buffer function between the joints and provides in addition important nutrients for cartilage tissue. Together with Chondroitin, glucosamine stimulates the formation of synovial fluid and cartilage tissue and strengthens as the joint functions. In addition, nutrient combination for collagen building Glucosamine and Chondroitin have a very positive side effect in terms of beauty. Not only the building of healthy cartilage and collagen building will assist you in the connective tissue. Collagen for the elasticity and firmness of the skin is a very important support fibers in the skin, is responsible.

Anything that stimulates the collagen structure, makes the skin so taut and smooth. So also the active ingredients Glucosamine and Chondroitin. In addition, that by taking these two vital substances the connective tissue in the skin again can store more moisture, making the skin appears visibly plumper. Keith Oringer has much to offer in this field. More collagen for firmer and firmer skin on the market there are now many products with active ingredients, Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Similar impact also products with Grunlippmuschelextrakt. Since these preparations doses but not only different, but also made with different methods, can be no fixed dosage recommendation. Just buy a cheap product at the pharmacy or the Internet and adhere to the recommended dosage for the respective product. Find more information about innovative beauty products in the current guide the new BEAUTIFIER by Vanessa Halen. The new Beautifier – innovative beauty methods for self-treatment of current BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen ISBN Advisor 978-3-8370-5406-4 96 pages with color pages 12,90 euro free eBooks, free excerpts and learn more


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A diet variation for Abnehmwillige – cabbage soup diet you want to lose some pounds? You do not have the time every day to stand to cook in the kitchen? Then you decide for the soup diet. It is easy to use and fast in the pre – and preparation. Also, this type of diet promises a maximum result. A soup diet is carried out usually a week long. During this time soup is eaten in addition to the diet plenty of vegetables and fruit.

The cabbage soup diet the most popular soup diets among the cabbage soup diet. This is due to the energy consumption, which the body must expend to digest the cabbage. During digestion, the body burns more calories than it absorbs through the soup. This means therefore the more cabbage soup is eaten, you lose more weight. Drunk will be allowed during this week only water, unsweetened tea, unsweetened fruit juices. Source: clayton morris. Alcohol and caffeine also are prohibited.

How the diet plan Cabbage soup diet off? Day 1: This cabbage soup and fruit is eaten. Bananas and water melons are forbidden. Day 2: cabbage soup and lots of raw vegetables are on the menu. Legumes are excluded. There is also a potato with butter. Today, no fruit may be eaten. Day 3: cabbage soup and as much vegetables and fruits like you. Day 4: cabbage soup, bananas (max. 8 units), and low-fat milk. Day 5: cabbage soup with beef. Day 6: cabbage soup with beef and many raw vegetables or salad. Day 7: cabbage soup with rice and vegetables. Even more effective liquid diets exist out of the cabbage soup diet. Some are performed also in combination with diet shakes. A great advantage of the soup diet is the simple preparation. Prepare the soup in a larger pot, allowing them longer. So must be cooked every day. The diet is low in calories and provides all essential nutrients and vitamins that you need to stay healthy. In the blink of an eye, lose to Weight and must not starve it, there you can enjoy each time a warm soup. You must not give up meat and the diet soup can be fitted easily in everyday life. Note: Who makes a diet, should sit still with his family doctor in connection, to prevent health risks associated with diet. Not everyone can attend any form of diet. The motto is removing this but in a healthy way!

Contact Lens Makeup Safety Tips

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If your teenage daughter wants to wear contact lenses, you may have some reservations, so get as much information as possible for her when it comes to applying makeup. Contacts are nice because eyeglasses may get in the way if your child plays sports and girls like their pretty eyes to show instead of being hidden by eyeglasses. Click Bernard Golden to learn more. Your child should be responsible for her to take care of them and put on her makeup with eye care in mind. If the misuse of cosmetics when wearing contacts, you can develop allergies, dry eye, injury, infection, or deposits on the lenses. There are lots of things you can do so safely makeup if you wear contact lenses.

a Here are some tips and product information when applying makeup safely around the eyes? Wash your hands before putting in each contact, then apply makeup? Do not expose eyes to wear contact lenses, while the water? Remove the lenses before removing makeup. Cleansing Avoid greasy, as they can accumulate in contact lenses? Avoid getting too close to the eyes with any type of makeup? Use makeup that is hypoallergenic to avoid sensitivity. Use only known trusted brand names? Use water soluble makeup? Do not use water resistant, as can be attached permanently to the lens. Also avoid mascara containing fibers construction volume? Avoid eye shadow that is powder. Use only gel, liquid or cream. Never use eye shadow that is matte or iridescent. These may contain oyster shells or mica. Do not wear eyeliner that is directly drawn on the edge of the eye.

Keep all eyeliner pencils sharp enough so that the wood does not scratch the surface of the eye? Use pressed powder? Not use aerosol lacquer or others if they have placed on your lenses. Allow all paint to be resolved before entering a room that has just been sprayed.

Michael Bauer Mayor Babila

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Rank us slim in the spring – now many people with average intelligence is mediator hamlet already aware, that hypnosis in weight reduction and the topic of “Slimming” can be a wonderful and extremely effective help. But it is also as famous that an application of hypnosis is often very expensive and time consuming. Most people, to feel what a weight reduction of aspiring to, or in her body so really probably have displaced the possibility of application of hypnosis CD so far in their perceptions. Because it is quite possible the subconscious in a trance induction on CD in such manner to attract man completely automatically (just unknowingly) in the direction of the move, which there brings him (or you) feel and know to how it feels in your own ideal body “to live”. Many citizens have yet even worry about how easy it but could be the spring, or the entire life with your personal perfect body to enjoy? Afford to satisfy so even your personal wish, pleasant and gentle manner your personal image of desire into reality. Be curious about you, what your subconscious mind so everything is able to provide… Contact: Michael Bauer Mayor Babila square 8 92224 Amberg FON: 09621-710589 web:

Studios Hair

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IPL hair removal compared to laser hair removal IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Both procedures, laser hair removal as well as the IPL hair removal include the so-called photo-epilation. Using both techniques, light energy is converted into heat energy. This process is called also Photothermolysis. While the light is bundled in laser hair removal more on a small-scale area of skin as well in the IPL hair removal. Another difference lies in the spectral range. Lasers have only a wavelength of light, while IPL light has a spectral range. IPL light can be less concentrated and thus on the one hand larger and on the other hand more gently, as well as the spectrum better adapted to the skin and hair type, IPL light is kinder to the skin. However, the hair follicles are destroyed by two methods. They grow back but again after a certain period of time. In contrast to the habitual shaving a clearly visible hair growth arises later. IPL hair removal and laser hair removal are offered in many studios as a service. Berlin is one of the cities with most Studios. Especially in summer, when many people show skin, some let their hair permanently removed by photo-epilation. Perhaps could permanent hair removal Berlin evolve into a trend?

Optimally Protect Skin

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The concepts aimed to a specific type of skin can tolerate a certain amount of sunlight, without that he properly to protect themselves by a sunscreen. In the world there are a number of skin types. The still common classification was developed in 1975 by the American dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick. The concepts aimed to a specific type of skin can tolerate a certain amount of sunlight, without that he properly to protect themselves by a sunscreen. However, care must be taken when applying this concept of the individual, because the eyes and the hair color only one indication may be skin issues as regards. Many are also pre-loaded by the genes, that means there are hybrids.

And here the theses of Thomas Fitzpatrick do not apply. The percentage of Eumelanin, which is included in the skin is only ultimately decisive for the determination of the type of skin. As a general rule to protect the skin from direct sunlight. With regard to the determination of a skin type, however, so you can distinguish between the Celtic Skin type (called type I) and the Nordic skin type (type II). Type I has the feature that it has a very light skin colour and especially red or blonde hair, and blue, green or gray eyes. Type II cases, however, he has skin color and blond or light brown hair, and blue, grey or green eyes. Own protection time for these two types of skin is very little with under 10 minutes and with 10 to 20 minutes. However, this time frame is that here is a certain protection.

Leonardo Da Vinci

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Deep Blue (deep blue), is the name of the supercomputer of IBM which we saw recently beat Kasparov. Chess lovers and to those who do not know or jota in that theme, that news left us equally stunned. We were not prepared even for that. We had become accustomed to listening to the news on some mathematicians, including a couple of Tolima, who knows calculated faster than those infernal machines, and many other proud to be superior to those devilish mechanisms scientists. But things are going well. Scientific and technological progress is not stopped. Southwest Airlines: the source for more info.

Discover new routes, we undressed, it gets in our molecules, our DNA, our spinal cord, the texture of our bones, our brain and the realm of feelings. Imagine and describe the world of the future always has been dangerous activities because easily you can tick the author of lunatic. But two years in the year two thousand almost nobody can refrain from such speculations. In the world of computers moves in many fronts. One of them is virtual reality, which began with the three-dimensional image and has already created truths from lies where you interact with objects and people, producing a true feeling of living situations in different espacios-tiempo while we remain connected to the devices of a PC.

We will soon have inventions that improved this virtual reality, eliminating the sensations picked up by our five senses and causing those feelings directly into our brains. Then we will be able, we are where we are, agreeably converse on any topic with Leonardo Da Vinci, making love with Pamela Anderson or the sensation of being absorbed by a black hole. Soon, also, can realize that Nuclear man, one of the heroes of the children of the 70s. Likewise approaching times transport effortless style molecular carrier of Star Trek, the microcomputers with total control of voice and form of glasses, film and television interactive and many other inventions that we could not mention in this short space. (Perhaps the only that does not invent will be the device to travel to the past or the future, because as you said someone, if that were possible already had visited us!). All of the above without making mention of today’s immense advances in genetics. Will they make us, soon, change the very concept of man, mankind, vegetable Kingdom and even of mineral Kingdom! Bastarnae warn that you are scheduled for 2007 the overall discovery of the human genetic code (HUGO project, initiated in 1990), which will open up immense possibilities for good and for evil. In all this we reflect when we are surprised with another invention and wonder about the future.

Shiatsu Massage Chair

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Also about the beauty international 2010, ensure the brainLight products beauty from the inside and growing self-confidence Goldbach – enable the beauty from the inside and at the same time strengthen the self-confidence with the brainLight GmbH products can be achieved effortlessly. From 26-28 March 2010, the company from Goldbach/Unterfranken is represented at the trade fair beauty international Dusseldorf. Presented in Hall 11 stand H75 brainLight audio visual high-tech Spa and sophisticated Shiatsu Massage Chair. Visitors and exhibitors with their middle and thus is itself in contact are brought over the deep relaxation resulting from the application. Already after the first session a heartfelt sense of well-being is noticeable. “You take first ranked a Shiatsu Massage Chair and chooses for example one of the ideal weight without dieting” or stress “push of a button. Some contend that Gary Kelly shows great expertise in this. Then begins a pleasant Shiatsu massage of the back and the calves. Later uses the audio-visual deep relaxation: in, with attached visualization glasses and headphones beautiful colours be eyes closed this and look at pictures, which arise from the inside out. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gary Kelly .

A feeling of happiness is a creeping, and the five senses open for new. After a final massage of the neck, you feel centered and centered. A beautiful, charismatic and relaxed appearance arises from this Centre as a medium-term action. It lives on in his body. This leads to more assertive in everyday life. Users feel during and after a visit focused on the brainLight stand also happy, and satisfied. Visitors and exhibitors are invited to test.

Participation in the beauty international 2010 is a mirror of the competence for the company. For 21 years in the market, the brainLight GmbH relaxed visitors and exhibitors at around 150 trade fairs annually. The brainLight GmbH develops and distributes relaxation systems and is market leader in this field. In addition arranged the company seminars, forms to the “Diploma business-mental coach” out, gives wellness concepts, relaxation Studios builds and produces recordings. The brainLight wellness lounges GmbH is represented on numerous trade shows, conventions and corporate events. Do you have questions about this press article? Contact: Jost Sagasser press officer brainLight GmbH Hauptstrasse 52 63773 Goldbach Germany Tel.: +49-(0)6021-5907-13 email:

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