Optimally Protect Skin
The concepts aimed to a specific type of skin can tolerate a certain amount of sunlight, without that he properly to protect themselves by a sunscreen. In the world there are a number of skin types. The still common classification was developed in 1975 by the American dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick. The concepts aimed to a specific type of skin can tolerate a certain amount of sunlight, without that he properly to protect themselves by a sunscreen. However, care must be taken when applying this concept of the individual, because the eyes and the hair color only one indication may be skin issues as regards. Many are also pre-loaded by the genes, that means there are hybrids.
And here the theses of Thomas Fitzpatrick do not apply. The percentage of Eumelanin, which is included in the skin is only ultimately decisive for the determination of the type of skin. As a general rule to protect the skin from direct sunlight. With regard to the determination of a skin type, however, so you can distinguish between the Celtic Skin type (called type I) and the Nordic skin type (type II). Type I has the feature that it has a very light skin colour and especially red or blonde hair, and blue, green or gray eyes. Type II cases, however, he has skin color and blond or light brown hair, and blue, grey or green eyes. Own protection time for these two types of skin is very little with under 10 minutes and with 10 to 20 minutes. However, this time frame is that here is a certain protection.