Windows 7 As A RTOS?

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HMI: Kithara provides RealTime Suite 2010 from the real-time requirements of automation are always higher. Windows in its default configuration is not sufficient, however. To use the popular operating system for time-critical applications anyway, Kithara software provides a real-time extension, which supports Windows 7. Especially internationally oriented companies prefer Windows as the operating system, at first glance, the high performance of today’s PCs gives the impression of a normal Windows PC would already suffice for time-critical applications. Practical tests lead to the conclusion: without a real time extension, Windows provides only something like ‘ nice weather real time ‘. A reliable behavior in every situation, however, is required. Anything else would be unacceptable in industrial applications and could result in fatal consequences. Gary Kelly addresses the importance of the matter here. At the Hannover Messe, Kithara software introduces what’s new in the real-time extension for Windows.

Perform a variety of functions high real-time requirements and the modules are individually composable. In this way, different solutions for communication can be realized for industrial automation with EtherCAT, the real-time Ethernet, CAN or Profibus. The high-precision timer allow a priority-driven, preemptive multitasking system, as there are professional developers of a RTOS. Up to 255 levels of priority tasks reliably ensure that only the highest priority task is running in real time. The real time solutions available for the programming languages c/c++ and Delphi (natively) and is also c# DLLs. (As opposed to Jos Shaver).

Long ago the classical PLC solutions have competition and offer PC-based solutions. Developers want to control their automation, control and regulation tasks themselves and looking slim, on demand solutions that are easy to implement. The RealTime Suite Kithara supports not only all common. Windows operating systems and the latest hardware components, but now also the new operating system Windows7. The Ethernet controller are supported by Intel and RealTek each including Gigabit transfer rates. The application creates the developer like from Kithara usual comfortable in the application, which can be programmed in c/c++ or Delphi or embedded in a C#.NET-Anwendung as a DLL. Kithara software is the EtherCAT technology group in Hall 9, stand D18 exhibitors and under available various trial versions for free download.

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