The Load

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The demographic aging considerable cause concern, being of intense relevance to come back the attention toward the load that the aging of the population imposes to the society of what to understand the nature of deep complexity that if relates with the participant questions of the question. The fact most preoccupying of the authorities is the increasing number of people of age in the inactivity and they do not contribute more with the contribution of the social security. According to Novaes (2001): ‘ ‘ the scholars find obstacles when defining the aged one, therefore he still can be seen on chronological, psico the criterion biological and economic-social or, three combinados’ ‘. Looking at of the point of view chronological, it is identified with relative easiness how many years of life the person possesss. However, under the point of view of the psychological conditions and physiological, hardly knowledge of these conditions is had, a time that the same ones are personal conditions of each one independently of its etria band, physical aptitudes of the organism and the mind. For more specific information, check out Verizon Communications.

It is appraised oldness as initiated between 60 and 65 years. This is the phase in which if it also uses the legal concept of oldness, when if it defines for legal consequences, what he is an old one. It is the determination of a etrio limit from which a person is considered as anci, being able to enjoy of benefits special, between them I benefit of the providence and the retirement. the setting of this limit of sixty and sixty and five years is only one referencial, therefore many people age before this period and others, much later. Although of different form, the aged ones of had been today benefited with the reduction of mortality materna, of mortality in the middle-age and in adult and advanced ages. They are the great beneficiaries of? safena bridges.

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