Agriculture Field
This year is going away to repeat that history although the high prices of foods had created other expectations. The farmers highly are become indebted and all the negative factors that have struck the field in the last lustrum (winter, summer, pyramids, stop cost of consumptions, global heating, phytosanitary plagues, problems, etc, etc) have put them today in a situation of impossibility of payment of their debts, reason for which the solution must begin by the creation and beginning of an aggressive program similar to the Pran that the financial problem of our farmers solves and can oxygenate the sector again, followed of a esctructural reframing of the sector that leaves from the productive ordering of the territory and that is oriented to the obtaining of attainable aims, realistic and measurable like the protection of the national production in an atmosphere exhibited to the external distortions, the modernization of the field, the fortification of the commercialization processes, the extension of the markets, the promotion of the productivity and the competitiveness of the sector, the reduction of the inequality in the farming sector, the empresarizacin of the sector, the empresarizacin of the Colombian field, in agreement with the internal agenda of productivity and competitiveness, the exporting bet of the Ministry of Agriculture and Desarrollo Rural (MADR), and in coordination with the institutions of the territorial order; the improvement of the technical attendance, the development and transference of technology, the culture of good agricultural and cattle practices, the asociatividad between the producers, the earth adjustment and infrastructure of irrigation and drainage, and the promotion of the reconversion. We create in the good Holy intentions of the government and will follow with the hope of which someday, although it is not in this constitutional period, we pruned to see a Juan Buckets, at least in the majority of our farmers..