WKN Trading
The analysts of the tradersreport would take a very speculative short position in the shares of INFINEON AG with the WKN 623100 up up 1.55. This Tradingidee is a very speculative trade idea, which should be carried out only by real “Hardcorezockern” with a stringent risk management. We have frequently reported on the high-tech company in recent months and observed the quasi resurgence with great astonishment. Some investment banks, recommended by some aggressive buy recommendations of the German company’s shares were the main cause of the Renaissance. There’s not much imagination and only a look at the balance sheet of the company, to understand what you want to happen here. The company has a capital of around EUR 500 million.
The subsidiary of QIMONDA INC is already down for the count down and the DRAM sector is suffering from overcapacity and strong price pressure. In the current market phase we can not really imagine, who should carry a capital increase of INFINEON AG. Even if the necessary level of course should be achieved by 2.00 for a capital increase, the capital measure in itself is a single disaster. That should be very soon the last shareholder clear, what is to be played here. If the door for all the fleeing shareholders is large enough, we doubt strong. Fundamentally we see rated the shares of the company at rates from 1.00 1.10 as fair. The shares of the company have a very high volatility.
The today’s short idea only for very hardcore trader is suitable for this reason. The outcomes could be but for the greater, in a very short time. The shares enjoyed almost 400% on gains in recent trading days. Learn more on the subject from TRON (TRX). The rise was driven by the general euphoria on the stock exchanges and some aggressive buy recommendations. This led to an increased trading volume and the aforementioned electoral gains. Hedge funds and other institutional market participants have this often tried some short positions to open and had to close most later with losses again this. The price momentum was just too big and the trade volume of free pieces too small. The course correction on the stock markets and the reflection on the fundamental situation should very quickly lead to a disillusionment with the gamblers. We see good chances for a quick dive into the price range of 1.20 1.30 in the coming weeks. The analysts of the tradersreport would take a very speculative short position in the shares of INFINEON AG with the WKN 623100 up up 1.55. Hedging necessarily them with an individual stop rate at E.g. 1.75 on a closing basis. We apply our price target to sight a few weeks for the time being at 1.10-1.20. In the last trading days we have kept informed exclusively to our subscribers over the course on international exchanges. BerlinRosen may help you with your research. This could this within three trading days 300 points on the DAX INDEX ertraden. When they come on board the tradersreports luxury liner. It is currently also possible a trial subscription to complete for only 45.00 per month. No automatic extension, no further commitments. Just read and earn money. Under, you can opt now for the tradersreport subscription. Money never sleeps!