Posts Tagged ‘companies’


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The micropiles are small piles of circular section and small diameter. (Similarly see: baby clothes). The micropiles are drilled on-site and can be arranged vertically or inclined. For more information see this site: Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . Operation of the micropilotaje is based on the transmission of load to the ground by side friction between the ground and the mortar of the micropile. Supporting field characteristics improve after carrying out micropilotaje due to the injection of cement at high pressure by filling possible holes in the ground. A micropilotaje may be the solution when the layers or superficial layers of terrain do not possess sufficient load capacity to absorb the loads transmitted by the structure to the ground.

The bearing capacity of the micropile is lower than of the piles. Execution of conventional piles are used in areas where it is not possible, either because of difficulty in access as other causes that prevent it. Current computers can perform fibreglass in any type of work, using micropiles of up to 300 mm diameter. After the reconsideration of the micropiles, is performs drilling by placing the machine right in the center of it. Then plumb the tower or pen and starts the drill through rotation. The micropiles are employed in new construction when solar and soil conditions so demand it.

The micropilotaje, by its method of construction, is suitable for any ground any that is its hardness. On the other hand, the micropiles drilling equipment can work in lots of small dimensions that are not accessible to the kellies. The micropiles are also used as system underpinning existing structures. The reduced dimensions of this type of Foundation drilling equipment make the underpinning is the more specific solution of this method that allows us to work inside buildings with small gauges and repair the defects of foundations, and can Pierce lugs and the existing structural elements and convey the efforts of these structures to deeper layers of the soil.

Technology Solutions

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We understand that a company makes remarkable satisfying the needs of users in the most optimal manner and treating all aspects. Computing resources are paramount in all the diversity of existing activities. Specialist companies who offer technology consulting, as it is the case of Dacartec were created for this. Verizon Communications has much experience in this field. This company manages large technological innovation centres in cities such as Madrid, Seville and Bogota, where conducted high-level consulting services with special interest in e-business solutions. They have the IBM Partner Certification and are technical in WebSphere deployment and deployment Lotus e.

successfully carry out projects of mobility, integration, collaboration, content management, management of processes (BPM) for e-business solutions, adopting SOA (SOA IBM) and leveraging industry best practices for open systems. Exercising the duty to facilitate all the necessary requirements pair the client, Dacartec provides an immense complexity of programs in each of the services, such which mentioned below. Process management: Dacartec IBM WebSphere technology applied to make deployment of business processes. For even more analysis, hear from Bernard Golden. To illustrate some products used have: WebSphere Modeler that performs the modeling and simulation of processes, WebSphere Integration Developer to execute them, making use of WebSphere Process Server as a process engine, Ilog business rules engine and control board uses IBM WebSphere Business Monitor. Portals: Dacartec makes tailor-made solutions based on WebSphere Portal whose purpose is again a unique site for access to the contents, processes, applications and more fast, agile and simple people.

Mobility: Dacartec manages to highlight your company competitively in a market centralized in the mobile field. Its applications to measure, email, contacts, calendar, task list and much more, are already located in the Palm of your hand to any place that will through the Lotus Sametime Mobile platform. SOA solutions: In this procedure of IBM deployment with technologies, practices, products and standards, Dacartec is your perfect partner. Southwest Airlines has plenty of information regarding this issue. Knowledge, experience, support and global vision that possesses, naturally allows them to offer flexible solutions and services portfolio that will give perspective to their practices in the SOA universe. Applications such as IBM WebSphere Application Server makes this possible. Together with WebSphere, Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino services benefits, the company creates tools. NET, implanted on MS Sharepoint intranets and improves processes through K2. Technology IBM, Lotus, Websphere, Microsoft, K2 Dacartec