Reading some articles postados in the site, I found several with text the same, that is, in as to be ' ' vitorioso' ' in Christ. The victory of these ' ' crentes' ' he is described as not having illnesses, being prosperous financially, however most interesting than I read was regarding that we must reign in our lives. What it would be to reign spiritual? According to author of the article, to reign is to leave of ' ' to be oppressed financially, professionally, in the friendships, inside of the familiar relationships. In summary, he arrives to beg, I want to assume full life and to get my absolute freedom in Cristo.' ' Important to describe what it is to have freedom in Christ? It is not to have illnesses, it is to have money, a job, friends, family, as the author says? NOT! Absolutely not. It is for the favour that we have all these things, but freedom in Christ is been terms libertos of the sin: ' ' Now, therefore, already no conviction has for that they are in Christ Jesus. Because the law of the Spirit of the life, in Christ Jesus, you it exempted of the law of the sin and morte' ' (Roman 8:1 – 2) the price that Jesus paid its proper life was given in the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.
' ' It talked back Jesus to them: In truth, in I say you to truth: all what commits sin is enslaved of the sin. The slave is not always in the house; the son, yes, forever. If, therefore, to free you to the Son, truily you will be livres' ' (Joo 8:34 – 36) When reading the article the author declares that those that are dominated by the illness, the money or the lack of it are a failed believer.