Sales Leasing
“Lesinglosungen as part of the Finanzierunsmixes of Kelkheim, 12.04.2011 – actually the machine urgently but we need the price!” After the economic crisis, during times of double-digit growth this sentence is often heard. Because it lack the up, down liquid capital to finance growth. The economic crisis has eroded in many companies’ equity, Patrick G. Weber, Managing Director of the Vantargis know leasing. “In addition: with the mostly poor balance sheet figures for the years 2009/10, it is not easy to extend the line of credit at the Bank.” Therefore are more and more companies looking for alternative financing solutions. “New machines over the term finance make this situation advantage”, Weber is recommended. Do offer with the financing your customers!” Sales-leasing is the drug of choice here. Among others, the Vantargis Leasing GmbH is specialized to design individual concepts to drive sales through leasing.
So, for example, a machine can and Already during the offer phase, interesting offers its customers submit equipment manufacturers. So far the customers often itself to a financing had to take care of”know the leasing experts. Cloud computing shines more light on the discussion. The manufacturer decreases them through its special service of this task, the chances for the job. Therefore, Weber recommends to make a leasing offer in addition to the usual bid. Because the manufacturer very well can estimate the expected runtime and the utilization in many cases, he is able to write a customized offer together with Vantargis leasing. In the ideal case he can offer funding over the life of the machine his customers, that pays off over the income generated with the plant.
Leasing improves the equity ratio leasing for customers further advantages, in the sales of new machines and equipment with has a positive purchase decision can contribute: as the customer is not the owner of the machine, it does not appear on its balance sheet, but is the leasing company accounted for. Lower total assets leads to an increase of important figures in the business valuation, about the equity ratio. And this in turn affects cheap on the Basel II rating and future lending. At the same time, the lease payments as business expenses can be removed tax in full amount. Flexibility also ensures Vantargis leasing: leasing contracts can be adjusted the individual requirements of the company. Regard for the Vantargis sector – specific and object-specific needs, such as about flexible rates for seasonal fluctuations in income or short duration with job-related use of machinery. So, the company may very well to control the costs over the contract duration time and calculate. Profile Vantargis Leasing GmbH the Vantargis Leasing GmbH belongs as a subsidiary mainly to the Vantargis group and is a medium-sized leasing company with locations in Kelkheim near Frankfurt and in Zell unter Aichelberg in the vicinity of Stuttgart. Also in Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria is the company by sales representative represented. The power spectrum of the Vantargis leasing covers leasing and hire-purchase financing for investments in mobile assets, as well as sale-and-lease-back models and sales leasing concepts. The leasing company financed classic machines and equipment, but also trademarks and patents. Profile Vantargis AG Vantargis AG is the independent German less for the upper middle class. Vantargis helps its customers directly as capitalists rather than as broker. In case of need, Vantargis arranged additional sources of funding within the framework of an overall financing plan in addition to its own Liquiditat for its customers, for example, with active guidance to public funding and grants. Press contact Vantargis Leasing GmbH Ilka Stiegler head corporate communications Fischbacher str. 6 65779 Kelkheim telephone: 0892429373-25 E-Mail: