RSE Blood
During the week of the experiment, 2 times per day was administered intramuscularly at a dose of klaforan 2.0 g. All animals were divided into 2 groups: control, which carried out the above treatment, and trial, where it is complemented by 2-fold, with an interval of one day, session hemosorption (HS) on 'Ovosorbe' (arterio-venous loop, duration 1.5 hours, perfusion rate of 15-20 ml / min, 1.0 volume perfusion -1.2 BCC). In the experiment used mass-transfer device consisting of a glass bottle with capacity 100.0 ml, which was placed hemosorbent 'Ovosorb' (60 ml). To conduct applied hemoperfusion crevice nozzle of the original perfusion design. Along with the general clinical parameters studied trypsin activity (TPA) of blood plasma levels of cathepsin D, antiproteinazny potential of blood plasma by alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) and alpha-2 macroglobulin (alpha 2-MG)), soluble complexes fibrinmonomernye and early fibrin degradation products (FDP). Development of the phenomena of RSE in animals led to the emergence of serious disorders in the proteinase-inhibitory balance sheet as a control and experimental groups. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Adam Portnoy has to say. Already in the first days after the start of the experiment was a sharp increase TPA plasma with simultaneous significant decrease antiproteoliticheskogo building. The nature of these changes in both groups was quite the same type.
TPA plasma in control and experimental groups to the top 2 days higher than the original data, respectively, 3.2 and 3.6 times, while the level of alpha 1-PI decreased respectively by 1.6 and 1.3. Significant proteinase inhibitor-infringement of balance led to gross violations of basic indicators of protein metabolism, which was manifested primarily by a sharp decline in total protein and albumin levels. The blood plasma accumulated excessive amounts of final and intermediate products of protein metabolism of urea level in blood plasma increased 2.6 times in control and 1.9-fold in the experimental group and the level of the SM – a factor of 2.1 in both groups.