Repair General Principles

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In accordance with these river boats are subjected to preventative (current, average, and capital) and unplanned (restorative, emergency and supporting warranty) repairs. The volume and frequency of preventative repair (PPR) courts set standards for scientifically valid wear, according to best practices of work crews and the results of systematic monitoring state EMS units and parts during their operation. Current repair produced annually or once in two years. It is performed in mezhnavigatsionny (winter) period. Such repairs should be completed by the opening of navigation. In the current ship repair repair or replace with new individual and wear parts, and produce mainly by adjusting work crews. Shipyards during routine repairs the vessel operates only those works whose production must be factory equipment. Contact information is here: Morris Invest.

On ships with a two-year intervals between the current ship repair in the fall and spring in the year when the current repair is not produce, ship crews and BPA shall fall and spring maintenance of the fleet. In this case, the cost of maintenance should not exceed 60% of the cost of maintenance. Add to your understanding with Facebook. The main type of outage (Repair) is the average repair. Depending on the purpose, power and capacity of vessels average repair shipyards perform in 4-6 years. With good technical condition of the vessel and its machinery average repair can be done and over longer periods.

During the middle of ship repair is carried out: measurement and fault detection of all the details; bore of cylinder bushings or replace them, or replace the piston groove with piston rings and fingers replacement rod bolts and individual cylinder heads, fuel system and bulkhead parts timing, connecting rod bearings and perezalivku individual main bearing; alignment of axes of the cylinders and shafting, and other operations, providing the power plant efficiency and maintaining its operational and technical qualities to the next repair – mean (or capital). As well as current, average ship repair performed in mezhnavigatsionny period. It should be completed by the opening of navigation. Overhaul of the vessel is carried out in 12-16 years of operation after construction. In Depending on the technical condition of the ship and dockyard capacity possible overhaul may be extended by the conclusion of a special technical committee of the shipping companies with representatives of the Inspectorate of the River Register of Russia. Overhaul produce forces and means of shipyards, and its costs should not exceed 40% of the construction cost of the ship. In the capital repair replace all worn parts, machinery and equipment power plant and restore the strength of the hull with the replacement of metal structures. During the middle and major repairs inspect and repair the underwater hull, which court on carts on inclined rails, lowered into the water, pick up on the shore (slip) or injected into the dock. In the capital and average repair is usually performed modernization and conversion (reconstruction) of vessels. By modernizing include work carried out to improve the performance of courts, their technical and economic performance, increase productivity culture or transportation, water protection from pollution, changes in working and living conditions of ship crews and other modernization works to improve working and living conditions crews can be done also with the current repair. Alterations (reconstruction) in order to produce a partial reconstruction of the vessel, for example, changing its destination, the navigation area, type of power plant.

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