Regressive Therapy
REGRESSIVE THERAPY the regression the last lives is an instrument valuable to improve the quality of its current life. It allows one better access to the unconscious one and is a millenarian knowledge, having been very used in the century passed for studious of the hypnosis and reencarnacionistas researchers. For (Godoy, 1990) You are the addition of all its last experiences and this register that each one brings printed matter in itself, rees-echo of healthful form and or pathological in its gift and how much bigger it will be its knowledge and its understanding on these experiences and on as they affect its reactions stop with the people, places and events, more close to knowing itself exactly and of the true freedom you will be. It afima also that the regression therapy has a psicoterapeutico character, not religious and still is being contruida Existem some hypotheses for the Regressive Therapy, some accepted ones, others still needing bigger study, one of them is the reincarnation, that alleges that you already lived some lives and bring of them souvenirs good, but also traumatic and for reviver facts of a remote past it can exactly provide to greater easiness of agreement of itself, better understanding of its forces, weaknesses and objectives. It has a great one I number of authors in the present time who prove the reencarnacionista hypothesis. Between Them, Banerjee, Stevenson and Andrade, Jorge Andrea, Hernane Guimaraes, among others.
Other hypotheses to explain the referring memories ace memories that arise of the unconscious one, are: genetic memory, extra-sensorial, unconscious superperception collective, among others, however these are very generic and fantastic to have scientific value. But these hypotheses in the reality are not very important, therefore the main one is of this work and the release content unconscious of reprogramming made with it, therefore when liberating this content, we liberate ourselves of mooring cables of this past and obtain a reequilibrio for the future. These souvenirs also offer answers for personal problems and problematic relationships and many times are possible to understand to surpass harmful phobias and habits, but mainly to provide high index of cure for serious emotional problems, such as, depression, syndrome of the panic and toc, among others serious emotional problems and that they bring much suffering. The Regressive Technique can be considered a conquest for Psychology, therefore it rescues, it extends, it deepens, it complements, it ratifies and it integrates conceitose techniques adopted for the diverse boardings psychological, between them the psychoanalysis, existencial, psicodrama, cognitiva therapy, regeriana therapy and the mannering therapy. Considering this synthesis, the regressive Therapy, it obtains one better understanding of well express the human being and as the IBRT (l992, p.2) ' ' (…) it defies concepts until then effective and if it shows available to explore with the patients, the possibility of that the origin of its problems is in passed lives, real or simblicas' '. Consulted bibliography: GODOY, Herminia the Prado, Therapy of the Regression? Teoria and TcnicasEditora Cultrix- SP-2000: IBRT, Handbookfor practitioners certified by international The Board he will be regression terapy, canastota, NY, 1995.