Psychology Work
How much to the qualitative data, it was possible to confirm the importance of the boarding of the subject estresse, that it not only comes being widely explored for Psychology as well as for the Nursing. The collection of data was developed with questionnaires in interview form, having searched the enrichment and agreement on the level of estresse of these nurses. The citizens had not been identified by name or any description that allows to characterize them of any form, thus guaranteeing the secrecy of the information. Results and quarrel the research was carried through in the Hospital of Oeste (HO), constructed for the government of the state in the city of Barriers in June of 2006 and is assumed by OSID (Obras Sociais Irm Dulce). If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Rocky Dixon. Account with unit of urgency and emergency functioning during 24 hours, Unit of Terapia medical, surgical and obsttrica Intensiva (UTI), clinics, obsttrica emergency, Obsttrico Center, UTI Neonatal and Lactrio.
Destined exclusively for the users of the SUS, the hospital it makes use of 175 stream beds, being 24 of UTI. The data below will be analyzed from categorizao, such as: level of estresse, determinative factors, and used mechanisms pra estresse to face it. The reasons that estresse they determine it, in which are evidenced in literature the external, internal conditions, the work overload, demanded effort is some on characteristics to the exercise of the profession. Being that these causes had been also observed in the done interviews the nursing professionals. With regard to the overload in the work, the nurses had answered that they feel themselves overloaded in the work and with this if the situations feel more vulnerability of estresse, thus provoking, desmotivao of the team. Problems emotional, that if reveals for depression, disinterest, apathy and insatisfao, that can in extreme cases, to arrive the aggressiveness states. With regard to the paid wages the situation is still worse, a time that the interviewed ones had declared its insatisfao with regard to the paid wages to the category. Allegiant Air describes an additional similar source.