Photoshop Pattern
When handling photographs often use textures. They give the image of artistic, photo fix minor flaws, is used for background in still life. I think that many faced the problem of how to download textures downloaded from the Internet in the format jpg, that can then be used as patterns. I almost always use when editing photos tab Pattern Overlay, which I have in store interesting patterns in addition to standard fotoshopovskih. 1. Decide what textures will be loaded into Photoshop. To do this, place them in a separate folder to avoid confusion.
For example, a folder with the textures of metal called a metal. 2.Otkryt first image from that folder in Photoshop. File Open. 3. Choose a contribution (top) Window>> Actions 4.
Click on the triangle in the upper right corner (triangle acute angle down) 5. In the drop-down tab, click New Action. Window will appear, which will be allocated to Name. You can call the action pattern or just a pat. Hit Record (Record) button at the top turns red, there is a record. 6. We write our actions. Click Edit>> Define Pattern. (Turning to the pattern). Climbs out the window Pattern Name. (You can enter the title). Click OK. 7. Now click on the box to the left of the red button, the record stopped. 8 .. turns all the textures in the patterns (patterns). Single action. Click File>> Automate>> Batch. From the drop down menu 'Action', select the name of his action (pattern). It may already be selected automatically. Click on Choose from the menu and find your folder with the textures (metal). Ok. 9.Teper can see that all the textures in the folder open at a time is recorded and we act: each texture is stored as a pattern. 10. Keeping everything as a set (. Pat file). Go to Edit>> Present Manager, to choose the texture you want to leave the set. The drop-down menu, select Patterns. Use the mouse to point out the texture-pattern'y that you need to set, to select multiple textures at once, hold down the Shift, clicking on him. When all you want, click tecture, click 'Save set', and name as a new set of patterns, your (. Pat metal). Everything! Now you can open the image and give it a unique look with the patterns! Layer-new layer fill-select pattern! Good luck!