Peter Chamberlain
Being thus, the women preferred the company of the obstetricians for psychological, humanitarian reasons and had to the taboo to show the genital ones. In this period, the attendance to the birth was considered devaluated activity e, therefore, could be left to the feminine cares, therefore it was not to the height of the surgeon? the man of the art. Moreover, the doctors rare and were little made familiar in attending to the childbirth and birth (ARRUDA, 1989). However, in the end of century XVI, the obstetrician profession suffered decline, from the use of frcipe obsttrico for the English surgeon Peter Chamberlain. According to Osava & Mademe (1995), the use of frcipe obsttrico influenced the acceptance of the obstetricses as one disciplines technique, scientific and dominated by the man, therefore it restored the concept of that it is possible to command the birth and that the childbirth was dangerous, being essential the presence of a doctor. For the fact of the obstetricians not to have economic conditions to acquire frcipe, to be incapable to dominate new techniques for being considered intellectually inferior the men, ally to the fact not to be condizentes with the medical interventionist paradigm, had started to reject it. In such a way, the use of frcipe allowed to the masculine intervention and the substitution of the not interventionist paradigm for the idea of the childbirth as a controlled act for the man. Moreover, the regulation of the practical one demanded that the obstetricians called surgeons for assistiz them, as part of the strategy of the State and the Church to monopolize knowing concerning the cure of the illnesses and, thus, to legitimize it by means of the Universities created in the Renaissance. It exists has decades, in the whole world, good will in relation to the paper of the traditional obstetricians for the maternal-infantile attention, in special for the agricultural areas with few resources in health of the developing countries.