North Americans

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Necessity if makes to stand out, in this seek area, the pioneering contribution of the North Americans GETS WORSE and SABEL (1984) cited by SCHMITZ (1997: 172), which had introduced, also, the concept of ‘ ‘ specialization flexvel’ ‘ in the new literature of economic geography, concept this that if opposed to the old paradigm of ‘ ‘ production fordista’ ‘ , which if based on the characteristics of proper uniformity and repetitividade of the production in mass carried through in the great company. In other words, ‘ ‘ production fordista’ ‘ , the analysis of market, the process power to decide, the profits and the investments of capitals are concentrated in an only regional office, or the great company, where the workers simply execute the tasks that are conferred to them, in accordance with the functions for which had been assigneds person, beyond not participating of the formation of the capital and nor of eventual parcel of profit. Here, the ideal type of organization is the great company, whose main forces are, on the other hand, in the attainment of its economies of scale and, for another one, in its vertical administrative hierarchy, divided in distinct functions between the departments of direction, organization and methods, management of production and sales. Diversely of this, in the model of ‘ ‘ production flexvel’ ‘ , the market analysis, the project of the product, the power to decide process, the profits and investments are subdivided between a great number of operators and, over all, between entrepreneurs who, of a side, come back its production toward the exterior, and, of another side, entrepreneurs who assume the role to produce goods and services looked in the domestic market. In this in case that, the efficiency of the company is not summarized to its size, but in its capacity to adapt it the volatileness of the markets, beyond to search a bigger entailing horizontal enters the functions of direction, organization administration production and commercialization.

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