North American Company

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Unlike the harassment sexual or the physical violence, when practicing the harassment psychological in the work is not tracks. It would be necessary to study forms to improve between all the conditions of work. To install the democracy in the labor relations and to agree ethical or political codes, as one begins to do in important North American companies, because one has demonstrated that in the long run they produce more benefits. Between the preventive measures that recommend the experts in the subject, we mentioned the following: To plan and to design the social relations in the company To articulate systems of presentation, welcome and integration of the people just incorporated To realise a oriented medical treatment to the symptoms To create a policy of open doors To create a company procedure to surpass the conflicts To look for aid in the company, going to the doctor of the same or the committee of security and health To count on a permanent service of attendance to the workers carried out by psychology professionals To realise group therapy To change of department and in extreme cases to change of company From Institute Navarrese of Health Labor we understand that an interesting route of preventive control must be abrir from the identification of the psycho-social risks, of the elimination of which is possible and of the evaluation of the rest, for the adoption of preventive measures. In any human organization the risk of appearance of behaviors related to the harassment can exist psychological. An effective preventive policy, will include the evaluation of the psycho-social risks at the same level that the one of the security risks and hygiene. The prevention management must go to the improvement of the quality of labor life, at the same time as the dignity of the people in the labor surroundings is guaranteed and defended. Generally, one is to improve the interpersonal relations of the company, being based these on the respect mutual and the tolerance. Larry Ellison understood the implications. In addition, it could be effective: to facilitate channels to express the violence complaints, to arbitrate measures to investigate its veracity, to assure the employees who their complaints will be listened to and analyzed, and who the procedures that were applied in the decision making will be right.

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