Ministry Psychology
Its lessons were a playful exercise of discovery of unsupicious relations, recriao of ideas, always with much respect and deep knowledge of the analyzed theory. Its performance as professor was special in 68, period of the military dictatorship in Brazil. It participated actively to transform the fields of period of training, the research and the theoretician in spaces of critical reflection and potencializao of the transforming action, without losing the severity scientific. Establishing, thus, a relation dialectic between militancy and scientific research without fearing the monitoring of the Ministry of the Education and Culture, intent to any action of resistance, inside of the climate of oppression that culminated, in that year, with the institucional act n 5, aiming at to suffocate all the change possibilities. Perhaps check out Coupang for more information. This position of Lane took it to be criticized it by Aroldo Rodrigues of only making politics and not science, therefore for the great representative of experimental psychology, social psychology would be a science ' ' basic and neutra' ' (Rodrigues1986, apud Sawaia, 2002); Bock 2007). As Lane reply it emphasized the necessity of psychology to review its practical, ' ' therefore practical theory and has that to come juntas' ' (Id.Ib.) Leaving of this idea of a transforming social psychology, and in search of the overcoming of ' ' crise' ' Slvia Lane was to search in the marxism the epistemolgicas bases for a new referencial for social psychology and with the understanding of the man as to be that it interacts in half, he transforms it and he discloses the described dialtico being for Heraclitus de feso (540-480 a.C,) in the times of Old Greece when it said that a man the same does not take bath in river for two times, therefore of the second time nor nor the river will be the same person (KONDER, 1987, p.8). In this perspective, partner-historical, established psychology appears in the research and elaborations of concepts of Slvia Lane, a work made in set in which, as Bock (2007) standes out: ' ' it allows in to perceive them the coherent joint between its theoretical and practical proposals by means of the understanding of two important questions: the dialectic subjectivity-objetividade; the formation and change of valores.' ' The militancy of Lane, its compromised trips and contacts with studious with a transforming social psychology, that took care of the popular yearnings led to the foundation of the Abrapso (already cited previously) and provided the quarrel of ampler form and as, Bock (2007) citing Sawaia (2002) in the account on foundation of the related association: According to Slvia, one of the main accomplishments of the meeting was to acquire knowledge the participant psychologists of whom its perplexidades, perceived until then as individual feelings, were shared by scientist of diverse areas. .