Liberating National Alliance
The 37 blow of and the New State.
Getulio Vargas restores the new State; regimen authoritarian politician, in 10de November of 1937 it 1945.Faziam part of this official government of high patent of the Armed Forces, military, intellectuals and some officers of the tenentista movement (p.256-257). As first measure to the dissolution, and the ortogao of the new constitution that ample Vargas allowed to be able politicians. The blow of 10 of November did not have a participation of an organized party, nor the popular participation, did not have ideological unit for this reason cannot the same compare this movement with the movements occurred in period for the remain of the world. The blow that restores the New State can be characterized as a elite blow military politics politics-economic account the elites. It are to the defeat of the agricultural oligarchies that permeavam the government for on groups the finances and for liberal professionals. The opposition to this new regimen was carried through for the communist party and the integralista action, both formed by members of the classroom measured and military, the same ones would be responsible for manifestations publish in the period of 33-35.
In Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo and Recife. (p.258-260). In April of 1935, the law of national security is approved, also appears at the same time the Liberating National Alliance formed by tenentistas parties of left, unions, sections and apartidarios elements that will go to oppose themselves to the effective government in the politics. They had ideals that they interested the urban proletariat, a new social order. The ANL is closed three messes after its foundation for the dominant groups, to who represented great threatens; all the other forms of opposition to the government Vargas were sultry using for this, arrests, tortures and deaths, to strengthen the military project.