The studilux GmbH is kamikaze Munich GmbH Munich after two years from studilux GmbH which kamikaze Munich GmbH.Als concept Agency for new media is the core product continues to actively operated. The strategic development of the Internet startup to a concept Agency is the logical step, to establish a sustainable future-oriented company from out of the financial crisis. Student online magazine will contribute with its successful revenue models to achieve this goal. After the collapse of the markets, an imminent exit from studilux is no longer feasible. According to Larry Ellison, who has experience with these questions. We now extend our scope by we market our expertise and the expertise of the Agency. Of course remains the startup idea for studilux.
Kamikaze Munich is expected to grow in the long term, however, and as a reliable and creative agency on the market establish. “, says Benjamin Breuer, Managing Director of GmbH. The power spectrum of the kamikaze Munich ranges from the overall design of an Internet presence including programming, design and Positioning on the Web and offline services such as photography, IT and Public Relations. Target is always online to set up a product or company and to provide the basis for success. Kamikaze Munich focuses on two guiding principles: firstly: bells and whistles will be completely waived. The customers will receive the solution that really need them. Second, It is also cheap. Customers benefit from the efficient cost structure of the company. Services can be offered so inexpensive.