Fraud By The Government
The Government doesn’t follow article 3 of the Basic Law (GG). Official site: Larry Ellison. Article 3 GG all human beings are equal before the law. Men and women have equal rights. The State promotes the actual enforcement, equality between women and men and works towards the Elimination of existing disadvantages. No one may be disadvantaged because of his sex, his parentage, his race, his language, his native country or origin, his faith, his religious or political views, or preferred. No one may be disadvantaged because of disability. This does not apply to temporary workers.
Poor wage, no rights, discrimination in the operation and no lobby. Clearly that here is the principle of equal pay for equal work does not apply. They are treated as second class employees. You apply as an electrician, two wage groups are hired as Assistant lower and then perform the work. Her contract then resolves complaints and they get a bad testimony.
You have no rights in the rent operation, but only Obligations to work and keep your mouth shut! They are the first who are caught in the boom and the first who lose their jobs in the downturn. Hiring and firing. The wage will be increased through tax revenue and because the companies of regular wage can stay, jobs will be destroyed due to time work. Make section 75 workers industrial Constitution law, principles for the treatment of employees is important for everyone in the operation. Employers and works councils have to ensure that all those involved in the operation are handled, according to the principle of law and equity in particular, that any different treatment of persons because of race, religion, nationality, origin, political or trade union activity or setting or because of sex is omitted. You have to ensure that workers, not because it exceeded certain ages are at a disadvantage. Employers and works councils have to the free development of the personality of the staff employed in the operating protect and promote.