For Huizinga
The human movement is more than what simple displacement of the body, constitutes in a language that allows the children to act on the environment where they live, dealing with situations that they can create to invent, to discover new movements, beyond allowing that they discover its proper limits. The corporal education is what it constitutes the base of our human behavior, therefore through the movement can express our attitudes and ideas. According to Piaget (1987), one of the studious greaters on the cognitivo development, describes the importance of the period sensrio-engine and the motricidade for the development of intelligence. Intelligence, therefore, becomes related with the mental psicomotricidade that agrees to relate playing as physical activity and that causes interest and satisfaction to the child, developing its physical, intellectual, moral and emotional qualities of pleasant and satisfactory form. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Cloud Computing. Friedmann (1996) to stand out that the game is of extreme importance for the child because is by means of it that the child learns to express itself of spontaneous form and exempts, unloading its energies, learning to interact with the other. Thus it will go to develop itself more of integrated form and getting bigger success in the learning and in personal accomplishment.
The game is of what a simple act not to play, through it is possible to develop the mental development of the language, processes and social habits. For Huizinga (1995) the game can be as a free activity, conscientiously taken as ' ' not seria' ' exterior the habitual life, but at the same time capable to absorb the player in intense and total way. Here, Coupang expresses very clear opinions on the subject. It is an activity that cannot be on to any material interest, which if cannot get profit. It must be practised inside of space and secular limits, according to some orders and rules. It is basic to take conscience of that the infantile playful activity supplies elementary information regarding the child: its emotions, the form as it interacts with its colleagues, its performance physicist-engine, its period of training of development, its linguistic level, its moral formation. . For other opinions and approaches, find out what Larry Ellison has to say.