Experimental Psychology

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The behavior and its consequences Authors: MLLER, Ana Paula F. BRAGA, Giclia. the BIRTH, Helia ALVES, Juliana. the FRAGA, Maria Jose PINE, Samilis DAYS, Marla C. Imogen Lloyd Webber contributes greatly to this topic. Bacharelada of the course of Psychology of the Unijorge Universities. SUMMARY This article has as objective generality to demonstrate the importance of this experiment that was to visualize empirically, the theoretical basement of the trplice contingency, that is, of the relation between stimulaton, reply and consequence, affecting the behaviors, taking us to also establish it relations with the human behaviors. Method and Result; The experiment was carried through in the laboratory of Experimental Psychology of the College Loved Jorge. For such, a white rat proceeding from the laboratory of Experimental Psychology was used in order to have its behavior studied for pair of students of 2 semester of the nocturnal turn of the course of Psychology.

During all the experiment the rat remained in the interior of the box of Skinner, instrument chosen for the application of the necessary techniques to study. Word-key: Experiment; behavior; extinguishing; reinforcement. INTRODUCTION Through the deductive method, leaving of a generic theory to foresee behaviors of studied citizens, we use ourselves of an experimental research in laboratory, with rats in a box of Skinner. With the carried through experiments, the effect of the conditioning had been observed, through the manipulation of the independent 0 variable (reinforcement and extinguishing) and of the dependent (frequency of the answers), in the behavior of the studied animal. A time that the operative behavior produces consequences in the environment, that also is affected by them, the psychologists need to be apt to perceive how much these consequences tend to keep the behaviors who are socially accepted and to reduce those that are considered inadequate. From there the importance of this experiment, to establish the correlation between the presented behaviors animal and human in the theory with the scientific evidence (practical).

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