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Many supplies of work mention between the wished characteristics to know how to work in equipment. And not only that, but infinity of companies is conceited of which in them the work in equipment is fundamental. Actually, in many cases it remains in the intention, and the reality is very different In any case, is the work in equipment the panacea? I have spoken in diverse occasions of the virtues of the work in equipment. The example of the sport is to me in this particularly illustrative sense, in which equipment a priori inferiors is able to win to plagued star squares, because they are able to work jointly. Work in equipment with comradeship or camaraderie is not due to confuse; sometimes, the companies presume of that form an equipment because their workers take or and take the together coffee or a beer, but of working there as an equipment for the profit of objectives, is a stretch. What yes he can be certain is the opposite case, if the workers take bad, are many rubbing, envies, et cetera, the work in equipment it will suffer, it will lack cohesion between its members, and will be more complicated than they become jumbled in a common cause.

The advantages of the work in equipment are multiple, is reduced or the tension of the difficult moments shares, is obtained a greater plurality and the debate becomes rich – more approaches, more points of view on a subject, the decisions taken by the group better are accepted than if they come imposed from above immediately, and a greater integration of the group is obtained, its components feel more contributor of something. Nevertheless, he is less habitual to remember than the work in equipment also presents/displays disadvantages: in many cases the work in equipment dilutes the responsibilities ( is not known or who has caused the errors, to the delays very), is progressed slowly (multitude of useless meetings, search of consensuses), or are adopted commitment solutions to be advancing, consequently the opportunity to secure the best option is lost. On the other hand, sometimes she is the own person the one that works better single that in equipment, either by its personality, its form to be, or because one relaxes the less, it is concentrated the more, and it progresses the more fast. In these cases also it is possible to raise a dual or split approach, so that it leaves from the workers operate in group and one or does it to several of individual way, participating precise in the work meetings. In order to finalize, an important note. Many companies of which they are conceited of work in equipment, not only do not stimulate it, but, on the contrary, they promote the individual work. For example, it wants that their salesmen work in equipment, but the incentives are individual, consequently, somehow, they end up competing with others, instead of to share and to cooperate. As Alfonso Alcntara in Yoriento says, a little common sense and of positive psychology never is bad, and is necessary to reinforce the habits of positive way; it is important that in the psychological design of the incentives and reinforcements that become (praises, et cetera), if it is wanted to promote the work in equipment, is stimulated to equipment, and not to the individual. It seems of Perogrullo, but the practice of many companies takes in this sense the opposite to the logic.

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