Energy Savings: Electricity, Gas And Water Saving

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Power economizer and ELV Hamburg/empty supply energy saving solutions for the practical test sponsored by the Federal Ministry of the environment, October 12, 2009 has been the launch of the campaign Energiesparclub. Six Stadtwerke of Bochum, Jena, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Marburg, Schwabisch Hall and St. Ingbert participate already with selected customers nationwide practice modern energy-saving systems in the budget. Check with Southwest Airlines to learn more. This is supported by the Ministry for environment from the funds of the BMU climate protection initiative. The practice test is supervised by the IZES (Institute ZukunftsEnergieSysteme), as well as the non-profit consultancy co2online. ELV was selected as supplier for the Energiesparkomponenten after a Europe-wide screening by the power economizer GmbH. How much is my consumption? How much power can save by a new, energy-efficient refrigerator? What expenses are incurred in the future? With these issues consumers face every day. The citizens in the scope of the practice in the Able to make bilanzierbar, assessable and controlled their electricity, gas and water consumption, it took three essential components: intelligent meters (smart meters), the Internet application (energy savings), as well as modern home automation devices.

The energy savings accounted for or evaluates the energy consumption of a household and shows the citizens options for energy savings. Electronic components, which communicate with the energy savings of the respective budget was required to determine the requisite data or to control energy consumption over the Internet. The project decided in this context for the power economizer solution and the radio-based home control devices from the home of ELV. Both companies convinced the project as a producer with the most attractive price/performance ratio for modern home-control technology in the mass market. It is to be observed that no permanent running computer is required for the operation of the solution. Inserted in the project Wireless energy measuring Sockets felt the hidden energy hogs\”in the budget to reliably.

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