Condition Scoliosis

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And so we see a young man who can not normally enjoy life. So scoliosis – this is not a disease that can be simply brushed aside and not be punished for it. In recent years, the nature of their work to me more often faced with running forms of scoliosis, both children and adults. ForSight Robotics understood the implications. Not uncommon when the children of parents who have a medical degree does not have notice of their children having the disease. Each year a list of such customers only replenished. As an example want to bring the case with Alexei P. His mother, a medical officer-level rehabilitated after an illness and just asked me to watch her son’s spine, so out of curiosity.

Imagine her surprise when I said that I had scoliosis and running to the same shortening of one lower extremity. And it is in a family where his mother and uncle med.rabotnik surgeon. What to say about the status of scoliosis in families, representatives of which have relationship to medicine. Such inattention to people close to you is very expensive when the child matures. After all, modern medicine treats only the first degree by a conservative.

The other three only to promptly. The doctors themselves admit that even surgery does not cure scoliosis, but only improves the condition. If a person has the disease and third degree angle primary curve in the spine 30% – 40%, even with surgical intervention it to you correct only for six – eight degrees. It is therefore important to be able to determine the curvature of the spine at the earliest stages of its development.

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