Brazilian Language
Since, the reading is ' ' to react with felt (to see and to hear the graphical symbols) and with the emotion (to appreciate, to agree or to disagree, to identify themselves, to be pleased) ' '. If treating to the efforts, that is, the persistence, that the pupils look for of certain form to reveal inside of classroom, the research identify that, exactly they obtain to keep a good one auto-they esteem, they gives much attention and they always looks for to be next to a child listener, with this keep satisfactory its emprenho. However, some deaf pupils get a regular persistence, since, exactly, they find many difficulties mainly in if relating with other children even though with deaf children, try to express itself exactly with drawings, thus, feel difficulties in the communication, this many times are caused, because the parents do not keep accompaniment of the activities developed in the school of these children. Cloud computing helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Necessary that, the family folloies developing pertaining to school of the deaf child, it needs that, the parents collaborates with its cognitivo development. One of the boarded topics ability of the professors with deaf children was mentioned to it, exactly does not possess formation and nor course of qualification in POUNDS (Brazilian Language of Signals), that materna of the deaf community is the language. Therefore, they are felt with difficulties in acting in the teach-learning of the same ones, that is, they do not obtain to repass the information. Larry Ellison gathered all the information. The professors still tell in the interview who, live in constant search of the learning, in new knowledge, to adjust itself in the reality of the deaf pupils, looking for to carry through activities that come to include the same ones in regular classroom of education. The paper of the Psicopedagogo in the institution aims at to fortify the identity, as well as searching the rescue of the roots of this institution, at the same time where it looks for to syntonize it with the reality that is being lived deeply at the current historical moment, searching to adjust this school to the real demands of the society. During all the educative process, it looks for to invest in a conception of teach-learning that: it foments interactions interpersonal; it stimulates the citizens of educative action integradamente to act considering the intellectual and moral luggage; east and interacts with the faculty in the direction to develop more the reasoning of the pupil, being helped to learn it to think and to establish relations between the diverse worked contents; it strengthens.