Becker Trainee
Pro image Studio group with trainee program successfully continues the success story of the pro image Studio group in the area of human resources development. The trainee program test introduced in 2010 was a great success. 80% of the trainees could be taken after passing the exam in an employment relationship. In a 3-month program, trainees are trained in all areas of portrait photography and technology in theory and practice, learn to live”in the Portrait Studio that qualified advice and successful promising dealing with customers and train professional use of State of the art image processing programs. “After passing the exam, the trainee will receive a certificate, the qualifications to the portrait photo Wizard” certifies, combined with the chance to be taken at one of 26 branch of the pro image Studio group in an employment relationship. Those interested can apply online on the homepage of the pro image Studio group for the trainee program.
Peter Becker, managing partner, performs: due to our success, we need more and more capacity for existing branches to our service and the quality of advice to further develop and improve. In addition our planned growth of new branches. The resulting staffing will meet limited conventional practices. We therefore have realized that we must break new ground in the recruitment of staff and the trainee programme has proved an excellent solution. It is a pleasure to see the selected trainees complete the program positive attitude and motivation with which ELAN, and are pleased to work with us. We have decided therefore, to extend the trainee program to other locations and look forward to many requests.
Of course, our trainees receive adequate compensation. This belongs to our self-understanding that performance must be rewarded. We need no State paternalism.” Christine Hufner, for designing launch and implementation of the first trainee programmes responsible manager of the pro image Studio group added: many young people with training for media designers, photo designer and photo media laboratory have applied in the past with us for an appointment to the photographer.