The Region

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It follows an informative picture of the GIP, the per capita GIP, and last growth of the city in the nine searched years, for the IBGE: YEAR: The GIP (in A thousand R$): The per capita GIP: Growth: 1999R$ 891.232R$ 5.472# 2000R$ 980.090R$ 6,267+9.9% 2001R$ 1.141.708R$ 7,205+16.4% 2002R$ 1.194.593R$ 7,441+4.63% 2003R$ 1.426.333R$ 8,754+19.4% 2004R$ 1.749.103R$ 11,436+22.6% 2005R$ 1.914.316R$ 11,470+9.44% 2006R$ 1.907.527R$ 11,287-0.4% 2007R$ 2.637.217R$ 16,025+38.25% Growth 99/07+R$ 1.745.985+R$ 10,553+195% Its tax population esteem by the IBGE in the year of 2000 was of 155.161; with the population esteem in 2009 of 172.728 citizens, being they, frightful 24.85% below of the poverty line. This one room of the population is that it needs the qualified professional instruction, when applying average education, and chance of superior education in this percentage, the situation will be reverted drastically. See Verizon for more details and insights. A study for the opening of a campus of the Federal Technological University of the Paran in the city it is in development, initiative of one politics innovative and interested in the development of the region, if taken as growth example, will not have barriers that they hinder the rise of the qualified man power, that they will attract innumerable investors. 3.3AGENTES ECONOMIC the Economic Scene in industrial, agro-industrial funny Brazil, and advertising, with emphasis in the use of hand of workmanships. The Region of Guarapuava In 2005, according to IBGE, registered Farming 20 the bigger GIP (excluding the Agroindstrias), the greater of the south of Brazil. In that year agriculture put into motion R$ 235.435.000; The agroindstria is another important sector in the municipal economy.

The city counts on the greater would maltaria of the Latin America, that pruduz 20% of malte Brazilian, the pertaining Agromalte the Agrarian one, and also with Brazil Foods, Cantelli Agriculturist, Coamo, Codapar, Cooperative Valley, among others. The industry represents 35% of the GIP. The wooden sector, paper and derivatives are the industrial activity that more uses.

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