Vida Economy

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Figure 2 the Economy of the Natural resources, allied the EconomiEcolgica, sees the planet land as being an open system the entrance of energiasolar and diverse materials. The economy produces two types of residues: calordissipado (according to law of the thermodynamics), and material residues that during 5 areciclagem can partially come back to be used. The functioning of the economy demands an adequate way dautilizao of the material energy and them resduas. The services that the naturezapresta the economy human being well is not valued in the system of contabilidade' ' cremstica' ' proper of the neoclssica economy. 5. CONCLUSION With the popularizao of the ambient question and the propagation ecological domovimento, the adopted measures has times for the central world, comoestudos and environmental impact reports, had started to be a daily navida constant. The levels of performance in defense of the environment are several.

It has osque if they worry about the health of the proper house, garbage; the ones that defend aspraias, the trees; the ones that fight against the pollution of waters, of the domonxido carbon release and still; the ones that do not forget it man as integrant danatureza. The difficulty in the mensurao and quantification of the problemasambientais makes it difficult that if it incorporates in the private costs, custo' ' reais' ' of ambient preservation. Mechanisms as taxes, taxes etarifas, are not considered efficiently, in such way that if it assumes the doprincpio form polluting agent-payer. The preservation of the environment is an investment cujoretorno is of difficult quantification, and many times involve responsabilidadesglobais. However, the implementation of this new style of development definiras necessary bases of a new society. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALIER, Joan Ecological Martnes.Economia, text paradiscusso, n 9, 1996. ANNALS OF the WORLD-WIDE CONFERENCE OF AMBIENT EDUCATION, Caracas-Venezuela, 25 the 30 of July of 1995.

SURROUNDING DESARROLLO AVERAGE Y. Hacia un enfoqueintegrador, ed. CIPLAN, Chile, 1991. ELY, Alosio.Economia of the Environment, Porto Alegre, RS, 1990. FRIJOT, Capra.O point of Mutation, lvaroCabral translation, ed. Culipix, So Paulo. MOREIRA, Jose Robert. Ecology and practical Economy: Meioambiente and Condies de Vida, Agricultural Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, October of 1989. REPORT OF BRAZIL FOR THE CONFERENCE OF NATIONS UNIDASSOBRE THE ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. ' ' The Sustentvel&#039 Challenge; '. Brasilia, 1991. SEITZ, John L. ' ' Politics of the Development, umaintroduo to problemasglobais' '. ed. Zahar, Rio De Janeiro, 1991. 1 Frejot, Capra.Ponto de Mutao. 2 Ely, Alosio. Economy of the Environment. 3 Alier, Joan Martinez. Ecological economy. 4 Idem 3 5 Idem 3

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