Vdeo Man

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Dialgica expositiva lesson with I assist of the book and 2 video the end of the exploration of the man for the man To know as it was the end of the exploration of the one of the man for the man. Research on explores dog of the man for the man. Dialgica expositiva lesson With I assist of the book. 3 the country was great. To identify the reason for which the communist revolution occurred in Russia. To know as was the society of Russia.

Video related to the considered subject. Commentary on the video dialgica expositiva Lesson Assisted by the book. 4 the fall of the CZARConceituar the term CZAR. To understand the fall of related introductory CZAR.Vdeo to the considered subject. Dialgica expositiva lesson. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Divalte Garci’a Figueredo, Tristan Joo Vargas, to understand History 9 year? 2 Ed.? So Paulo: Hail, 2009 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION TEOLOGICA-FACETE Street Tomaz Maria, 433? Center /Caixa Postal03 CEP: 62.011230? Sobral? CE TOWN: Potbellied Ribeira-Piau COURSE: Full Licenciatura in History DISCIPLIA: I serve as apprentice Supervised I MDULO: V PERTAINING TO SCHOOL UNIT GOD JOO RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA PROFESSOR REGENT: Valdir Pear tree of I castrate TRAINEE: Aldenir de Sousa Nunes DISCIPLINES: History COURSE: Basic education SERIES: 8 GROUP: And the B TURN: Morning/Late DURATION: 45 minutes. Date: 12/05/2011 LESSON PLAN -1 OBJECTIVE: Entender the reason of the Russia Revolution at the beginning of century XX. Conhecer the characteristics of the society of the Russia at the time of the revolution.

CONTENT: Revoluo Russia PREREQUISITE: The importance of history for if the human one. Understanding of the societies of the time. PROCEDURES: Initial dialgica Exposio. Exibio of video on the subject. Leitura in the book of the pupil. Written Atividade. RESOURCES: Vdeo white Quadro Pincel didactic Livro EVALUATION: By means of the doubts and difficulties presented through the resolution of the exercises.

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