Posts Tagged ‘international’

Your Image In The Mirror

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According to the laws of physics, a mirror returns you the exact image that everyone else see. Of course mirrors trick with which you’ll see as PEAR, spaghetti or even erased you some little details. Some of which like conspiracy theories say that mirrors the stores are arranged so you can see you well with a dress, although in reality look like a watermelon or parts that would be better hidden noticeable you. Although I suppose that it may be true, in the majority of cases there is only someone who can tweaking your image: you. One of the advantages of the physics and mathematics is that, although not like at school, are always the same. No matter the country, language or time of the year you are: you will always get the same result.

On this basis, the mirror does not lie. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Larry Ellison has to say. Why then never are a bride satisfied with your image in the mirror? Although it look perfect always will say that the dress is not well or that hair this or that nails the other. For this reason also one girl with eating disorders will be fat in the mirror but you can hang clothes on their shoulders or the fan of the weights will see her slender arms, although it may not close them by the size of his biceps. Don’t you convince you? How many times you changed of opinion when you buy something? You tests, say, a few lenses that you are super cool and you can not take your view from above by the well that you have left. However, changes as soon as you get close to a group of friends who laugh at them all.

What’s more, they don’t need to see you: if they appear in a commercial or a magazine and all are agree that are ridiculous and nacos, immediately change things. It is likely that you go to the mirror with your super lens and you see then how they are outrageous, big, small, crimp beads or thousand things that you did not you notice the first time you put them. Returning to the laws of physics, the mirror has changed nothing. Your image is still the same. What changes is the perception you have of you and your super glasses. You’ll never be able to put yourself in accordance with all and less in regards to fashion. The perception that we have all of ourselves is not as mirror: changes continuously depending on many things. So if your mind is playing tricks for you, remember that the mirror will always be the same. While don’t get in accordance with what you see, no matter that the principles of optics are immutable: you can always change the image in your head. Why do not we are so impressionable when they tell us that we are well? Finally, as you look you will see. We hope that you look as well as the mirror says. Or course, you can find a good mirror trick original author and source of the article.

UN Environment Agency

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And that, sooner or later they will extinct follow as well. A UN report warning that 70% of the Earth’s surface is threatened by urbanism and infrastructure gives us ‘it is not a catastrophist document, nor a glossing over cruel challenges facing us. It is the most authoritative assessment of where we have been, where we are now, and where it is possible to go. Conclusively, Klaus Toepfer, director of the UN Environment Agency, presented the report Global environmental perspective, that in his analysis of what has happened in the last thirty years and what will happen in the following offers a grim picture. The report, compiled by more than 1,000 experts, says that the planet is at a crucial crossroads with respect to decisions that they can adopt today, and they will be essential for the salvation of the forests, oceans, rivers, wildlife and flora. Major threats include degradation of the environmental quality of the planet, which is intensifying the vulnerability of people to natural phenomena such as cyclones, flooding or droughts, which also increases the risks of food insecurity. In this situation there is incontrovertible evidence: the number of people affected by natural disasters increased from an average of 147 million a year in the Decade of the 80 to 211 in the 1990s. Global financial losses for this reason exceeded at the end of the last century the hundred billion dollars.

The UN, which ensures that this situation fundamentally affect the least developed countries, links the acceleration of natural disasters to climate change produced by atmospheric emissions. But there are more threats: a quarter of mammals could disappear in the next thirty years. Of 11,000 plant and animal species in danger, thousand mammals are collected in the blacklist. Another risk factor is the exorbitant growth cities and the impact to the environment represent the major infrastructures, which can lead to the degradation of more than 70% of the Earth’s surface in thirty years.