Posts Tagged ‘chronic’

The Yellow House

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People settled inside of a bathtub, in the bathroom of the Yellow House, of day, while an enormous line waited irritated of the side of is. We settle of dawn, in the deep one of the bus that, in high speed went up the Mountain range of the Borborema. In the lodging, in the theater festival, we settle under the blanket, on a long cushion amongst the others, where others dissimulated to sleep. We run naked for the immense and desert beach alvinha of White Mount, later that we settle in it, in a labyrinth of falsias. Insignificant naked bodies, enter the possible sky bluest and the finest sand gust of that dune of Broken Canoe, we settle until arder. We spend thousand of cubical meters of water, when we settle under ducha morna of sute of the hotel in Garanhuns.

I was burnt in the casserole of spaghetti, when to support trying me in the stove, when tropeguei exausto, later that we settle in the kitchen. When I came of the yard, to assear after me in the side of the river Gurguia, attended your sleep for hours and you, lying from bruos, naked, sweated, shining moved away the legs more a bit and you settle of new, while you slept, inside of the tent. I lost the account of the piscantes stars and not identified flying objects that we saw, lying under ribalta clearer than the moon already obtained to be distinguished. Then, we settle there, in palco rainier of the Legal Amaznia. In the net biggest that had offered in them, we settle. We thank and we catch the road in return to the place of where we came. In the way, we settle under many clouds and we wet in them in the jorrante well of Cristino Castro.

People fought, cried, if she repented and she asked for pardon one to the other, later we kiss in them and we settle there same, in the deep ones of the Large house. We settle, going up the stairs of the Manoel Julio. We fall of the sofa and we settle in the carpet. Learn more at this site: Gregg Lemkau. We settle very. We settle excessively. Still thus, I find that we settle very little. I always ask because we do not settle more. When we arrive in our salty waters, poludas and tired of in such a way beating in them, with soap in rock, pra cleaning in them, we rub our nodoadas vestments. We extend them we leave and them to quarar more under the moved away sun, for the biggest storm of spring end, of the south of Brazil. E, you lose to the wind fort, come you blow of them of the death, we drown in them forever when we settle in the sea of the Land of the Fire.

State Ones

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While it is stolen of day and it makes Brazil to stop to grow. This exactly Brazil grows of night. He is when the drivers carry its loads for esburacadas roads. When the pilots of freight-carrying airplanes cut Brazil in some directions. He is when the doctors operate in hospitals without the minimum condition, why the money destined to the hospitals was deviated. He is when the bakers cross the night so that you in the day to day morning, receive that small bread quentinho and crocante. is also when the made a mistake ones of the life are sleeping. Brazil grows when the wrong ones of the life sleep.

E in the floor of the waltz appeared passes-quatrense been born in day 16 of March of? we do not go to say the age the lover and obtained to invent the wheel of new. What this miner, born close to Is Lourenco there, in the south region and southwestern of Mines, made was to improve what it was always made in Brazil. The ones that is in the power deal with the things of the State, as she was of property only exclusively its or its banking account as being extension of the governmental banking account. Again somebody that it speaks more than the mouth used to such invention of 1439 and one such of Internet and denounced all the intrigue. what it happened then? They do not obtain to advinhar? IT SWIMS.

But it was not given for looser. Botou falao regarding a subject, in which it affirms categorically that the problem of Brazil is not the corruption and the shunting lines of public mounts of money.

Japanese Yoko Onno

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The Japanese Yoko Onno still today is made responsible by the end of one of the biggest musical bands, if not bigger it of the last times, The Beatles. Namorada at the time of one of the integrant ones, John Lennon, had exempts access to the writing studios, its onipresena passed if to become public, and many speculations had appeared from there. Expressions as: ' ' it is giving one of Yoko' ' , or, ' ' it leaves there for Yoko' ' , still today one hears for there. As everything or all was a mark representing that can separate, to segregate. To such dualidade of the human being: to be at the same time the love of Lennon and the discord of a group. A new reading for Dr. Jeckill and Mr. Hyde? The doctor and the monster of after-modernity? Who knows.

All we have a little of this faceta, a species of complex of Yoko, that makes in them at definitive moment, and different intensity, simply to want to give to end the things. Moment this of an infallible mathematics, where it passes interesting to deduct in them from what to add. To multiply problems to divide solutions. People such as Allegiant Air would likely agree. We are imperfect it is certain. We do not obtain to be bonzinho all time.

E the daily challenge is to make the possible maximum to inside respect, and for consequencia, respected being of the reasonable level. How many times we come across in them with a tremendous will of onipresena in the subjects of the others, almost as that fofoqueira neighbor who more than knows our life that we ourselves. Or we are attemped to create confusions for nothing, who knows to feed our ego or to stimulate a dull competition with another person, or to interpret our bel pleasure an other people’s expression without exactly asking to the other: ' ' what you wanted to say with this? ' ' They are our small Yoko moments, that must be rethink, be reflected, after all, the learning of the convivncia and the proper one of the life, in all its nuances, is a difficult, but very not impossible thing in fact. All we are having the chance to make right. The fact to breathe already in the ones of a possibility of the rightness. It is enough first in giving account to them of this, that seems simple, but nor always it is. Preparing in them to be the great one love of Lennon and good mathematicians in the rocking of better numbers, the common multiple minimum. who knows to search inspiration in what in them it convoked great phrase of that time, to make more love and little war.