Cause Control
It is quite common – to bring the use of these materials in the rehearsal rooms and studios to the absurd, and, as a rule, it is more harmful to the internal ambient conditions, than helping to improve it. The result is "dead" and "dull" room, which becomes the cause discomfort in people who are in it (and this is a very dangerous thing for the creative performing artists). In addition, the problem room at low frequencies are not resolved (there is a "bubnyaschee" premise). To improve the acoustics of the room, it is necessary to explore all its features and use special materials the appropriate places as teaching us the theory of room acoustics. The most simple advice – is to start with sound deadening materials cover 50% of the walls and ceiling, and the low frequencies to try to "tame" by cylindrical traps. Which room in the studio to be larger in size – the control room or recording? Usually prefer to have more room to write and less control. This reduces the time Reverb (T60, time at which sound pressure decreases by 60 dB in this room) in the control room over a room for zapisi. room in no case shall cover acoustic image space to write your character, otherwise the engineer would be hard to understand what's happening in the recording room (for example, to evaluate the location of instruments and microphones to hear the fine details of tracks as in time and in frequency, etc.).