Posts Tagged ‘565.000 users can decide the future of a monkey’

Flensburg Community

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The future of the bluerilla, the mascot of the stayblue community network, decides this weekend in a vote. Osnabruck, February 18, 2011: The bluerilla is the mascot of the stayblue community network. From the 18/02 up to 20.02, 565.000 stayblue members now decide whether it stays that way in the future. The vote is one of numerous surveys, carried out by stayblue, to develop the new version of the community network in close cooperation with the users. The blue monkey was taken last autumn as a mascot in operation. By the parallel relaunch of the stayblue platform, he became a symbol for the 6th version of the software community. A large part of our user is dissatisfied with stayblue 6. So that changes that we will hear more on them in the transition to the new version and implement their wishes.

Among other things, they must decide whether the bluerilla is the mascot of stayblue. Finally, it is their community”, commented Manuel Wortmann, the founder of stayblue, the vote. The bluerilla, a big gorilla with blue fur, has since September 2010 in the core regions of the stayblue community network. He distributes bananas in the city centre, shows up at parties and town festivals and delivered within the framework of cooperation with Joey’s free pizza from ( Six different stayblue employees have taken the blue monkey costume, when dozens of actions. For even more details, read what Edward Scott Mead says on the issue. The vote can be followed live at future. About stayblue: The stayblue-community network was created from the local online platform OScommunity, which was launched in 2002 in Osnabruck by Manuel Wortmann in life. Meanwhile, the national umbrella brand combines stayblue nationwide 397 local communities with over 565.000 users.

In addition to the classic functions of social networks, all stayblue communities offer areas with a local focus. A leisure area with local event tips, a marketplace with local classifieds, housing and job market, and a range of magazine with current news. Since 2007, medienhaus Neue of Osnabrucker Zeitung at the stayblue community is involved. contact for more information and picture material: Salloa long-Ronnau agency RoNNAU 24937 Flensburg T: 0461 Wrangelstrasse 10 430 77 00 M: