Quality Living Tips
This article follows the line to suggest the people a life way from which many already had been moved away. There it goes: 30 IMPORTANT SUPER TIPS 1? It opts to fighting untiringly for a full life of health 2? It conquers its love 3 daily? It searchs to work with activities that exactly of routine, you it plays of form to give pleasure to it 4? It makes of its house a harmonic environment of peace and how much to the furniture of decoration 5? If to drink, please socially and with the label of moderation 6? It creates habits not to be grudado in television 7? It reads, but it reads with attention and if possible it varies styles 8? How much to the friends, if it does not have searchs them them, them it has it preserves if them, skirt with them and receives them in its house 9? It cultivates (well-taken care of) plants, only one already goes to be valid to penalty 10 – Short to walk bare-footed whenever possible and it releases frituras 11 – Short to step on in the sand of beach 12 – Short to take a tea or hot chocolate with the partner (a) and always it eats many fruits, vegetables and vegetables 13 – Attends a film that lead to the romance or laugh 14 – It is disconnect of cellular and Internet in the weekends 15 – Take off vacation.always with the family or friends, 16 – Presenteie the people for whom they had said 17-Make to it way love to be the sex gostoso of world 18 – never only Kiss 19 – It hugs with taste the people who love 20 – Of: good day, part license, it thanks and it has asked for 21 please – It smiles with will 22 – It looks at for the animals, it speaks with them and mainly it respects 23 – It binds to advantages relatives and friends to them distant, does not wait such date 24 – Has healthful habits of personal hygiene 25 – it does not enter in subjects without being invited 26 – It looks to a side spiritual and one becomes accustomed it this 27 – It listens to the people with calm 28 – It decelerates its day the day and drinks water 29 – Either tolerant and it has accepted the people as they are 30 – always Thanks the day, but it is thankful in way to deserve to be alive!. . . Learn more on the subject from Keith Richards.